The teacher is the mother of the people

Who is the teacher? A teacher is the person who feeds his students with knowledge. Every person is not be able to be a teacher, because he is the one who teaches young people to become professionals. When a child is born he meets many difficulties in his life A teacher is the person who shares his experience and leaves an indelible mark on the child’s life. When I think about my teachers I remind of their kindness , warmth, cheerfulness and merorries. The image of a teacher is the highest example of morality for a student. A teacher is an angel who radiates warmth and radiance to every heart, a source of life an inextinguishable source of light in life, an angel who devotes all his energy to the upbringing of children, a person who never talks to anyone, who helps the student during the lesson . Parents teach their children as their children and the teacher treats them as individuals. Of course , it is not easy to teach so many children to the right way. Children’s love of a certain subject depends on the teacher who taught them. The teacher is able to make lesson interesting and explain it to the children. Before preparing his students his students for the competition, he pays attention and take care for them as their own children. That is why the word teacher means as the teacher of the people. He is also a disciple who wil bear the fruits of his labor from the early age. There is no greater dream for a teacher when a student is conquering  heights. The student thanked his teacher for that for the rest of his life. The teacher raises the child as the person. He is also a great person who gives confidence to set goals for the future.

Пікір үстеу

Э-пошта мекенжайыңыз жарияланбайды. Міндетті өрістер * таңбаланған

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