“ The elderly nation’s treasure ”

The golden key to wisdom is our ancestors. Today’s elders and grandmothers  who follow in the footsteps of their ancestors. Therefore each country, each home are rich with their old people. At first we should respect and love our elderly, grandparent by the way our parents. We need to carry out everything they commanded and said. What we do to our parents, this will be comeback to us.

The elderly – our history. They have seen many things in their life and they want us not to repeat their mistakes. That’s why they teach us good things so can be happy .I also have grandparents. They bring prosperity and celebration to the house. Children in a house with grandparents are also different. Nowadays many people take elderlies to a  nursing  home . This is of course, very sad situation. Too many years ago there was not any nursing home.  We should take care to our elderly, like how they did to us before. There is a treasure of an old house , that is house with elderly people. Many guests come to this house.

So everyone  must  respect , protect our elderly people and give all of our love to them. They are our wealth

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