Topic: Nur-Sultan  is the main city

Table of contents 

  1. Introduction
  2. Nur – Sultan
  1. Main part.
  2. 1. Building in Nur – Sultan

2.2.            Monuments of  Nur – Sultan

  1. 3. Nur – Sultan is a beautiful city

III. Conclusion.

  1. The list of used literature


Осы  жобамда Нұрсұлтан  қаласының құрылуы,  жер  аумағы, халық саны  мен  зәулім  ғимараттары, алып ескерткіштері  мен  таңғажайып  табиғаты, оның әсем  бейнесі   туралы   келешек жас   ұрпаққа  насихаттамақпын.


В этом проекте я хотел бы предложить молодому поколению создание Нурсултана , ее территории, ее населения и его великолепных зданий, гигантских памятников и ее удивительной природы.


In this project, I would like to propose to the younger generations about the creation of, its territory, its population and its magnificent buildings, giant monuments and its amazing nature.

1.The purpose of scientific researches: propagation, modeling of future history of Nur – Sultan city history and territory, population and geographical structure.


  • giving advice about Nur – Sultan;
  • To demonstrate the importance of buildings in Nur – Sultan
  • Providing information about the nature of the amazing nature.

Prediction: Nur – Sultan beauty.

Research Stages:

Stage 1 – Finding of research topic, acquaintance with literature and collection of materials;

Stage 2 – Design of Analytics;

Stage 3 – Separation of the collected materials and work on opening the main goal;

Step 4 – Analyze, organize, summarize, summarize, write.

Methods of research: research, collection, analysis, literary-scientific analysis in research.

  1. Result of the study: Propagation of pupils with historical and scientific data about Nur-Sultan.
  1. Expected result:

– Under the history of  Nur – Sultan;

– aims at what it should do in this regard;

– Knowledge of Nur – Sultan is formed.

Conclusion: Nur – Sultan  is the main capital of  Kazakhstan, the capital.  It’s a great way to come up with a great future for younger generations, about its tremendous building and its magnificent houses, its unique memorable monuments and its physical climate.


1.1 City of  Nur – Sultan

Nur – Sultan is just like the fabulous city in fairy tales. The tall, beautiful houses are ideal for the capital residents. There are many immigrants who are interested in Nur – Sultan. The number of people is increasing every year. Therefore, there are a lot of the best houses. The city is developing in different ways. Stunning buildings with skylight are put into operation once again, bringing joy to the people.

Nur – Sultan is interested in the whole country. And Nur – Sultan has always been in the world.

«The prosperity of  Nur – Sultan is the prosperity of Kazakhstan», as all the wonderful buildings decorating  Nur – Sultan  are the cultural heritage of the country. The recognition of  Nur – Sultan  is to know and know the Kazakh nation.

Nur – Sultan  is the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 852 985 people live in Nur – Sultan (January 1, 2015). Now the city is about 200 km2. The city is located in the northern part of central Kazakhstan in the Akmola region, on the river bed of the Ishim River.

City name is from Kazakh language. In Kazakh, this word means the main city of the country. The Master Plan of  Nur – Sultan  is a city-planning scheme designed to create a favorable environment for sustainable development and sustainable development of  Nur – Sultan, to protect ecological safety, natural and cultural heritage.

This project is being implemented with the support of the first President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev.

  1. Main part

The world community is keenly interested in the bright steps of our country, the wise policy of our First President. Here’s the information about Nur – Sultan  (data video) Capital of the Republic of  Kazakhstan  Nur – Sultan  is 17 years old. During this short period of time,  Nur – Sultan  has been recognized worldwide

The oceanarium in the entertainment center «Duman» is the most remote place in the ocean and is included in the Guinness Book of Records. The distance from Oakenarium to the nearest ocean is about three thousand kilometers

Khan Shatyr Entertainment Center in Nur – Sultan  is one of the largest tent buildings in the world

Nur – Sultan  population is 860 368 people. For the last 15 years the population of the capital increased from 300.5 thousand to 860 thousand people (as of May 1, 2015)

  • The pyramid-shaped palace was solemnly opened on September 2, 2006. The building, named as «Pyramid», has five lifts. One of them is for the President.

In the park of  Nur – Sultan  , which has been renamed in the Cuban park for many years, has grown more than a century old black poplar. The 120-year-old tree is the only tree that grows and grows since the opening of the park

You know, our capital  Nur – Sultan  and South Korea’s capital Seoul have a similarity. In 1998 Akmola was renamed and the city located in the heart of Saryarka is named Astana. That is, the capital of Kazakhstan was called Astana. And before that, the capital of the world was just a city called «capital». It is the main city of Seoul in South Korea. The word «соul» in Korean means «capital.»

  • «Emerald Quarter» Residential Complex is the highest building of Nur – Sultan . The complex consists of three layers of different layers (37, 40, 53 floors). The height of the tallest tower is 210 meters

One of the world’s sixteen national mosques, Hazret Sultan, was opened on July 6, 2012. The head of the state Nursultan Nazarbayev proposed to name the mosque «Hazret Sultan». At the mosque «Hazret Sultan» there is a gift from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev.

This unique project does not exist in the Commonwealth of  Independent States and is one of the main architectural creations and cultural centers of the Republic of  Kazakhstan.

In the untouched areas of  Nur – Sultan  the direct sunlight is heated to +70 degrees Celsius. The roofs and sidewalks are feverish

The building of JSC NC «KazMunaiGas». It was commissioned in 2002

The State Opera and Ballet Theater «Astana Opera» was opened in 2013. The theater takes up nine hectares of land.

«Abu Dhabi Plaza» with the sky. The central object of the Abu Dhabi Plaza complex is tower tower with a height of 388 meters (88 floors), and several more buildings will be built around it. «Abu Dhabi Plaza» will become the most unique building not only in Kazakhstan, but also in Central Asia

2.2.  The monuments of Nur – Sultan 

There are 45 historical and cultural monuments in Nur – Sultan  . The monuments of monuments of  Nur – Sultan  are dedicated to the historical names. All of this has added to the beauty of our capital  Nur – Sultan  , increasing the sense of patriotism and strengthening the love for the motherland

  1. 3 Nur – Sultan is a beautiful city 

Here, in the ancient Saryarka, not only the capital, but also the future cradle of our country.

The history of  Nur – Sultan  and the fate of Kazakhstanis are indivisible. The capital is a manifestation of the realization, dynamical development and stability of our republic. Nur – Sultan  has become a bright, powerful, prosperous city uniting all Kazakhstanis and moving forward. Our capital is the heart of our Motherland, the symbol of the people’s self-confidence and great destiny. Today in Nur – Sultan, as in all regions of Kazakhstan, more than 100 nationalities live. Peoples’ friendship, mutual understanding and cooperation – Nur – Sultan  and new

This is the basis of  Nur – Sultan  and the creation of a new Kazakhstan, «the President said at the jubilee meeting. For the President, Nur – Sultan  has become not only the city but also the younger one. «Passing through the streets of

Nur – Sultan  , I love her. Like many other capitals, I feel like there is nothing to convey as my own home, without confusing anything. The person does not confuse it with anything else. It was a joy and merry feeling. Even the street lamps themselves light you up, and the wooden leaves are like the ones you have.

III. Conclusion.

Yes, during the 25 years of independence, the economy of Kazakhstan has evolved. It is true that our country is now a country with its potential economy, stable financial capacity. What Does It All Help? It is a treasure trough, and the soil is the backbone of the sacred Kazakh land. It is no secret that the development of the country’s economy has been possible only through the resources of the sacred land. It is also true that 90% of Kazakhstan’s exports are crude oil, coal, iron and various non-ferrous metal raw materials.

For many centuries, the splendid nature of our steppes has come to our surprise. The great steppes are now eager to look after their offspring. «The cereal also has weight.» Now we must be loyal to the sacred principle of «seeing the spring, open your eyes,» and then we should cleanse and breathe our generous valley. The Kazakh language is a slogan «My country is a pain». Our people have inherited from our ancestors the inheritance of the fatherland.

Thus, the Kazakh Steppe is not a garbage dump. To our today’s generation, it is our national interest, our duty to protect the mountain and the stone as the eyes of the streams without opening the sand and dump, without diminishing the dirt and dump. The nature is waiting for us right now. And it is only human beings who are able to cover the nature. Environmental degradation is an environmental crisis.

It’s a huge catastrophe. Nowadays, we all are worried about – our nature is polluted by direct human activity. To improve the ecological situation of our capital, we should not plant tree bushes and plant them according to their biological features. Let us take care of our natural habits by using the earth correctly and purity of the environment. Putting it in a clean state to future generations is our paradise. Let your capital flourish !!!

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