Жеңіс Надежда Мадияровна

Тақырыбы : «Тәуелсіздік күні» «Желтоқсан оқиғасы»

         (The victims of Independence ) 

Бағыты :Қазақстанның тарихи ескерткіштері және болашақ дамуы бар саяхат маршруттары


Зерттеуші Жеңіс Надежда  жазған «Тәуелсіздік күні» жобасында қасіретті «Желтоқсан оқиғасы« жайлы құнды мәліметтер ұсынылған. Жас ізденуші «Желтоқсан оқиғасы« туралы мәлімет бере отырып, Желтоқсан оқиғасының ел тарихындағы маңызын айқын көрсету мақсатында оған байланысты фактілер мен әңгімелерді, желтоқсан құрбандары берген сұхбаттарды жинақтаған. Автор, «Желтоқсан оқиғасы«кезінде жалынды жастарға қолдау көрсетіп, араша түскен, олардың ақталуына үлкен үлес қосқан қоғам қайраткері, ақын М. Шахановтың ерен еңбегі жайлы мәліметтерді қолдана білген.

Зерттеуші өз жобасының өзектілігіне көз жеткізу мақсатында Қайрат Рысқұлбеков, Ләззат Асанова сынды Желтоқсан оқиғасына белсене атсалысқан сол заманның айбынды жастары жөнінде де айтарлықтай нақты деректер келтіре білген. Нәтижесінде, зерттеудің мазмұны мен маңызы толықтай ашылған.

Жұмыс жоспарланған деңгейге дейін жеткізілген. Өзекті мәселелерді қамти отырып, жекелеген эксперименттік негізде авторлар айқын және нақты білдіре білген.

Ғылыми кеңесшісі : Қазақ ұлттық қызздар педагогикалық университетінің шетел тілдерін оқыту әдістемесі кафедрасының меңгерушісі:       PhD  Жалалова М.A


Бұл жұмыста қасіретті «Желтоқсан оқиғасы« жайлы құнды мәліметтер ұсынылған. Жас ізденуші «Желтоқсан оқиғасы« туралы мәлімет бере отырып, оған байланысты фактіер мен әңгімелерді, желтоқсан құрбандары берген интервьюларды жинақтаған. Автор, сонымен қатар, «желтоқсан оқиғасы«  кезінде жалынды жастарға қолдау көрсетіп, араша түскен, олардың ақталуына үлкен үлес қосқан қоғам қайраткері, ақын М. Шахановтың ерен еңбегі жайлы мәліметтерді қолдана білген.

Жұмыс жоспарланған деңгейге дейін жеткізген. Өзекті  мәселелерді  қамти отырып жекелеген эксперименттік негізінде авторлар айқын және нақты білдіре білген. 


В этом проекте приведены ценные информации о трагическом инциденте «Желтоқсан оқиғасы», которое происходило 17 декабря 1986 году. Автор показала соответствующие факты и истории о жертвах «Желтоқсан оқиғасы». Она так же рассматривает роль великого поета казахского народа и общественного деятеля М. Шаханова, как он поддерживал молодежь в те времена и был вместе с ними до конца. Работа правильно спланирована, хорошо раскрыта тема, использованы достоверные факты.


This work provided valuable facts about the tragic event «Zheltoksan okigasy«, which was happened in December, 1986. The author gave the related facts and stories, about the victims of  December 16, accumulated interviews of uprising participants. She also remarked the role of the great poet of Kazakh nation and public figure M.Shakhanov, intervened to support the young people at those hard times for them. She also used reliable information to elicit stages of receiving the independence of Kazakhstan. The work has been brought to the target level.


  1. Introduction
  2. The main part
  3. The victims of Independence
  4. The Heroes of the Kazakh nation
  5. December 17 (extract from the story « Fugitive marmot«)
  6. An interview from the participant of the December events in 1986
  • Conclusion
  1. Introduction

Yes, of course independence come to us is not easy, we all know about it very well. Many of the student’s blood were shed to achieve independence. If you read all about happening in December you will see and feel this pain. Our brothers and sisters fought for justice. And succeeded even if they died. They proved that if work together you can conquer everything. The importance of these uprisings in history very large. The Kazakhs were able to show that they can fight for themselves. Even members of COCP OK gave the name to this rebellion, “The Kazakh form of nationalism «. And Kaldybai Abenov made a film called “Allazhar“. In this film all shown carefully which was in December. I did this project work with the help of my family too. Especially my mother, sister and grandmother. My mother gave me some advice to read the Mukhtar Shakhanov`s poem. And I watched the program «Syrlasu» with my grandmother. The program was devoted for the victims of Zheltoksan 1986.

  1. The main part
  2. The victims of Independence

In 1986 on 17-18 December was a big uprising in city of Almaty. This uprising was versus to colonialism and was for independence and freedom. Young people of Kazakh nation fought for it. The uprising remained in the history of Kazakhstan as a very special story. And Kazakhs called it «Zheltoksan okigasi«. Those days were very hard for Kazakh people. The most significant reason for this uprising was the Russian ignored the Kazakhs and without any approval G.B Kolbin was assigned the chief Secretary of Kazakh SSR.

Many students participated in this uprising very actively and 264 students were dropped out of universities. And 99 students were taken to the prison. On those days, it was very cold because it was December. For students who took part in the uprisings were very cold and pain, but despite it they fought to the end.

Commonly, students involved in the uprising because they were very patriotic. At the beginning they just wanted to tell their opinion of the State Policy, they did not even know that they could be easily destroyed by the soldiers. The government people have hit students without any pity. They drove the students with dogs and weapons. They hit students as a cadaver so the students were very pathetic. Even some of them died and some were taken to prison. And they were very cold and hungry. Those days were full of injustice and the secrets which we don’t even know. The government only lied and the truth was hidden. And it was forbidden to write about it.

The government said that there wasn`t special story and when the reporters interviewed them they said that no one was hurt, almost nothing was happen. But in fact, they lied, they didn’t even hesitate for it. All who participated in uprisings were in the repression. So, all deputies and others feared that if they would do so they had been in such positions and they were silent. No one was able to write about it or speak up until 1989. And only in 1989 Mukhtar Shakhanov went to the Kremlin and in the Plenum he spoke about the provisions of Kazakhstan that Kazakh students suffered greatly because of the Government`s policy. They are in difficult circumstances and many of them are very sick and the reason for this was merciless actions of officials.  Thanks for Mukhtar Shakhanov we could say that everyone learned, seen, heard the real truth about the people of Kazakhstan at that moment. Only he boldly told everyone about it. However, it wasn’t easy to take an action at Plenum in Kremlin.  He had to lie to everybody that he was going to tell about the problems of the Aral Sea. He planned it all very well. We all know that he is not a liar he did that for his nation, for his country. And we must proud of him! Because everyone couldn`t do as Mukhtar Shakhanov. And in those moments no one could stop him. After his words all looked to Mukhtar Shakhanov with hatred. But he didn’t pay them attention. And when he got back to the hotel the chief Secretary of Kazakh SSR G. B. Kolbin called him immediately.

-I`d told you why were you hurry saying all those words? (He was very angry).

-I can’t wait you. My patience is not enough anymore. If I sat quiet, nothing would be changed.

-Who are you? Do you know who I’m? If you`ll continue to behave in such way, you’re soon going to be in prison. Do you understand me?

-I’m not afraid of you. Don`t scare me. And about the prison, time will tell, who is going to sit there and who is not. (He said these words, and immediately hung up).

After few days of their talk the first president of Russia B. Yeltsin and Sakharov supported Mukhtar Shakhanov and helped him. Because of the words of these people, Gorbachev had to order to reconsider the matter again. And Mukhtar Shakhanov had achieved it for his nation. Because of those stories Mukhtar Shakhanov wrote a poem which caused many to think. I have goose bumps when I hear or read this poem. We can feel as that we were there when we hear this poem. I like it so much!

Желтоқсан алаңы!

Сәл аялдап, тағзым етпей бұл алаңнан өтпеңдер…

Желтоқсанда ызғырықтан тiтiркенiп көк пен бел,

Бұл жер, қалқам, асқақ рух жарылысы өткен жер,

Қайта оянған ұлт намысы қызыл қанға бөккен жер,

Ерте есейген ару қызды шаштан сүйреп, тепкен жер,

Жатты мұнда естен танып, күзге айналған көктемдер…

Алаң шетiн қоршап тұрған шыршаларға ала көк,

Жас бүлдiршiн, сезiмiңдi жанар етiп қарап өт.

Сол арадан сатқындық та елестейдi қара бет,

Қара беттiң көбi бүгiн дара тұлға, дара бет.

Жас бүлдiршiн, мұз құрсанған шыршаларға қарап өт,

Заманыңның жеңiсi мен жеңiлiсiн санап өт.

Ұлттың бағы жанар ма екен хас тұлпары, нары жоқ,

Ал бiреулер намысы жоқ, жiгер, қауқар, қары жоқ

Кемсiтпекшi «желтоқсанның жалаң аяқтары» деп.

Жоқ!  Кешегi сын сағатта көкiрегiнде жанып от,

Тұрған солар аяз сорған қызыл беттiң ары боп,

Дәуiрiнiң тауығына шашылмаған тары боп.

Тiрлiктегi әр iсiңнiң жаңғырығы болады,

Бұл табиғи жасырын заң өзгерiссiз қалады,

Сол заңға сай сенi бақыт не сор iздеп табады.

…Дүниенi дүр сiлкiнткен жас толқынның саналы Даңқын ешкiм, ешкiм бүркей алмас.

Оны да еске салады,

Желтоқсанның бас алаңы, қайсар рух алаңы!!!

We can say that all the activists of the Zheltoksan event were justified thank for Mukhtar Shakhanov, because only he could prove the correctness of his opinion. Not only Mukhtar Shakhanov was among, K.Ryskulbekov,     L. Asanova and others.  Some of them were convinced, the activists, there were many others. For example, T.Tashenov, E. Kuzembayev, S. Mukhametzhanova among them Chynybaev, Taubay, Seitimbet, Sabitova, Ramazanov, Otarbayev, Kudaibergenov, Karabaev, Kasenov and many others about 20.

The Heroes of the Kazakh nation

Kairat Ryskylbekov was born in 1973 in the region of Tole bi. He studied at the boarding school named after Sadu Shakirov. And in 1981-1983 he studied at the Kirov school. After that, before his call to the army he help to his father in the dairy farm in Kokterek. And in 1984-1986 he served in the army. In the army he was very famous.  He was given many awards and sent to his mom an honorary diploma for his conduct in the army. In 1986 he returned to the Belagorsk city after the army. In August, he easily entered the construction Institute in Almaty with the help of army compartment. And there this all December story began…

Kairat Ryskulbekov was a very active young man. He remained in the memory of the Kazakh people as a folk hero. And he is worthy for it, because he was ready for everything for his people. He was an ordinary student of the university. He was one of the active participants in the uprising. And involved in the uprisings, and because of this he was forced to sit in a jail. But it was a short period of time. But suddenly the decision was changed they came up with rumors about the murder of a man and about fight. All was a lie but unfortunately no one could justify his innocence. He was given a life sentence. It was the most terrible punishment.But in prison, he was killed secretly. It’s very sad! It`s very fair! Only after his death 2 years later his innocence was justified. Now in Taraz city there is a monument to Kairat Ryskulbekov. I’m still surprising for his courage, bravery! It`s great! His words before his death are still in the memory of his nation. Even if he is now dead we still remember him and very grateful. We are very happy that among the Kazakhs was a brave man as Kairat Ryskulbekov. We are proud of him!!!

There were not only Kazakh guys but also girls. The girls were brave and active than the boys.
But the girls were weaker than boys so they supported the guys to participate in the uprising. These words were said by the men who participated there and those who survived. They still say that they remember those days, those girls. They were surprised by the Kazakh girls for their courage and patriotism. One of them was Lazzat Asanova.

Lazzat Asanova was born in 1970, in the region Panfilov in the city Almaty. She loved music. And in 1985, she entered the Tchaikovsky University in Almaty. Everyone says that she was a very talented student. She was a very talented, beautiful, intelligent, hard-working, honest girl.

Actually Lazzat was an ordinary Kazakh girl, a student at that time. On December, 17 she went to the uprisings with all the students. And they were accused and she was also sitting in a jail. The participants of the uprising were subsided very cruel. But Lazzat`s action was not the end. She supported and spoke very patriotic words which were not liked by government. All said that she died-by suicide. But actually it was not so. Because when people gathered to bury her body there were visible bruises all over the body, and the prison chain. It is proof that she died from the hands of executioners. For the courage of lazzate poets wrote a song called «brave girl». Zholaman tursynbayev wrote the music and the word wrote Abdrahman Assylbek. Many poets, scientists and writers spoke about it. It is a pity that such a good, such a talented student died. If she was alive now, she would influence the development of Kazakh show business.

17 of December (extract from the story « Fugitive marmot«)

Until December 17, 1986, life to Aset was, as the communists would say, blossoming. The future looked promising and what was left for him was to get his diploma and a badge and make sure he stayed in the capital. But all this bright future came crushing in just one day. It all started with the appointment of a new leader for the Soviet Socialist Republic. With time, as is always the case, when one looks back one can say that the principal reason was not in the appointment of the new boss but rather  the opening of old wounds and the pus that had accumulated all the years of the soviet rule burst out.

The Great Sea blackened with wrath

And stirred within a flash!

The waves leapt with a roar,

Flapped like dreaded lion manes,

And dashed to froth t the mouth of Azhdahar’…

The L. I. Brezhnev Square, which is as wide as a hippodrome, was instantly filled to its limits with crowds. The sound of the milling crowd made was enough to make ones ears go deaf. The protesting youth kept aloof. Noise! Uproars! Outcries! All that they had suppressed burst out spontaneously. Young girls and boys, not paying attention to those who had fallen to the ground continued to march ahead in unity. Since their voices had not been heard, they were taking justice by force. But that is madness.

Militia armed to the teeth and rows of soldiers cordoned of all the entrances to the Hose of Government and stood as if rooted to the ground. At the forefront of the demonstrators a stampede had already started. Fists, truncheons, stones, all flew in a chaotic manner. The air was filled with the shrill cries of girls on whose heads the first onslaught had landed.

Intoxicated by the closeness of death, the unarmed mob stole their way through the truncheons and shields, seized the collars of soldiers….and fell one after the other from the blows of their metal truncheons onto the ground blanketed in ice. The next moment a column of water tankers made their way to the square. The blind fury of the demonstrators turned onto them. The drivers were torn from their seats, thrown to the ground and kicked mercilessly. It was difficult to tell what was happening at a particular spot in the confusion. Those they caught by the blows fell unconscious. They were of course ob levies to the merciless run over by the Alsatian dogs. The square was littered with blood, broken limbs and crushed heads.

Clusters of attacking and defending youth formed a disorderly mass, which was shattered by soldiers in the chaos. From time to time, from the crowd one could make out the rhythm of the anthem My Kazakhstan by Shamshy Kaldaiakov. Every verse was punctuated by outcries of `Freedom` and `Democracy`.

A special division of internal troops and played the role of scavengers picking up the dead and injured and dumping them into emergency carts. No matter the situation they were simply to obey and carry out the traces of the bloodshed from the square.

The wind blows a flag into shreds

The sun fades out the words of the slogan

And there is no need for a prophecy

For time shall heal no wounds.

Aset, together with other members of the voluntary people`s patrol (VPP) were sent to help the militia and keep law and order. Before they left for the square in the old institute bus the dean handed each of the volunteers a red armband.

The bus stopped some two or three blocks away from the square and they walked the rest of the way. Even from the distance where they alighted they could clearly hear the commanding voice, most obviously soldier, over the megaphone. «Go away peacefully! Leave immediately! Stop singing! It`s a warning to you, leave for your own good sake! «

The waves of the loud echoes of threats passed down the streets like a waterfall. The teachers consulted among themselves for a long time, clearly not knowing what to do with their volunteer patrols. Finally a «commander» -a stocky man of average height-emerged accompanied by militia personnel and quickly gave instructions to us. Our duty was not to let a new wave of demonstrators move to the square.

The shouts of the protestors and their unanimous singing become louder. Nobody understood what each had to do. Uncertainly started get on their nerves. Suddenly, the sound of the rumbling engines of armored troop carries could be heard from the direction of the square. The volunteers tensely peered at the thick crowd of people trying to guess what was happening. Screams, yells. The massacre had started. Young people were being killed and the volunteers much resembled spectators who were late to a spectacle. There were no fresh orders or any explanations from the teachers who accompanied the volunteers and militia personnel. They stood there with frowned, grey faces.

Suddenly, a crowd of about 50 people started moving towards them. The militia personnel woke with a start and rushed into the midst of the volunteers yelling to them: «Quickly, remove your arm bands! Or else we will face their wrath». The frightened faces of the militia personnel at that moment reminded Aset of a dog barking from the safely of his land lord`s house. Within a twinkle of an eye the armbands were safely hidden in the pockets in their coats. The group of the people rushed past not noticing the militia personnel who hid behind the backs of the student volunteers. It seemed that it was difficult to pass through the cordon of internal troops singly and the only way out was in mobs.

The red armbands were returned to their positions, where they were meant to be. There were no commanders, or orders. The volunteers remained at their place and this time on their own, without any orders, removed the armbands at the sight of a new group of demonstrators.

They had not managed to return the armbands to their positions after another appearance of a group of demonstrators when suddenly from a corner, an infuriate group of wounded and scarred soldiers armed with truncheons, shields and wild dogs pounced on them.

The message was clear. The soldiers had been sent in to kill and the dogs to wound. That was much like the ways of the Higher Imperial system! The angry horde let loose the amour they had-canines and truncheons. None of the student volunteers even thought of revolting. «We are a part of you! Volunteer patrollers! » they shouted.

Aset took to his hells. He did not look behind him but could hear the thumping of heavy boots and the impatient whining of dogs following closely behind. He suddenly stopped short as if rooted to the ground. He was stopped by the shrill familiar voice of a girl calling for help. What? He did not believe that his younger sister Bakhyt would be in a place like this…

Two, well armed, soldiers rudely beat and kicked the helpless girl lying on the snow. Aset forgot that he was being chased and found himself in between them. As if fuel had been poured on flames, the soldiers with renewed strength and increased number jumped on the unarmed Aset. Those who chased him had caught up with him. He became conscious in hospital.

He had a broken head and a body covered with wounds from dog bites. It seemed he was kicked all over because he was all in bruises. As soon as he became conscious, the next thing he realized was the presence of investigators ready to interrogate him. They were interested most of all in the names and addresses of those who were with him at the square. He was given a clean sheet of paper on which he was to place his signature. When he refused they yelled at him and threatened him with imprisonment for up to 10 years or even capital punishment for anti-Soviet activities…

He was in the end saved by the same militia personnel he had come to hate. They confirmed that he did not go to the square on his own will but on the orders of the dean. But all the same, they took a signed note from him in which he wrote that he did not know those who beat him up so badly. In short, he was made a fool. Students who were found out to be at the square that fateful day were expelled from the institutes. Many of them were first thrown out of the Young Communist League, sent to court and finally sent to jail. People, were forced to go for open meetings in which any collective could guess the resolution. It was only enough to hear the pronouncement «He was at the square» and everyone voted for the decision of the Party Leaders beforehand. Everybody`s prayer was not to be on the «black list«

The jealous officers of the KGB continued to show interest in the victims of that revolt calling them one after the other to the dean`s office where they thrust in front of them photographs taken that day. They were to carefully study the photographs and identify and familiar people. And they did. Students picked out on their teachers, and teachers on their students. Personal interests seemed to override that of the society as opposed to the propaganda of the period. That was the period when everybody`s motto was «Keep your mouth zipped« .Silence was the golden rule to remain intact. Doubts and unclear conscience continue to torment him but he has left it for a better time in the future. For now he will pretend that justice had won.

An interview from the participant of the December events in 1986

Sagyndyk  Zhumadilov  participated in 1986 in December story. He is now the Director of the Almaty Philharmonic. At one of them interviews with him:

-Mr. Sagyndyk now what are you think about the December story of 1986?

-Well, actually when we went to the uprisings we didn’t think about independence of Kazakhstan. But it so happened that of our uprisings we took our independence. Yes, I realize that it was unexpected.

-So you went to uprisings because of the fact that the Kazakh chief Secretary was Kolbin?

-Yes, exactly, we didn’t want to Kolbin was the chief Secretary because he is Russian. It is the Kazakh government so there must be Kazakh people. We thought so, and we decided about uprisings.

-Mr.Sagyndyk in this uprisings what do you do?

-At those times I was studying at the theatre Institute, when we heard that Kolbin was chief Secretary we all students decided to enter the uprisings. In the evening we spoke to the students about it. And to the poster we wrote that we are agree for it. And in the morning we went to the uprisings, and then you know what happened…

-What did you do then?

-I had nothing, I didn`t left the University, I wasn`t injured but I researched 6 months.

– What do you think of Constitution of Kazakhstan?

-We are an Eastern country and we have our opinion, we don’t need a Governor who will change every 4 years if the ruler will lead till the end.

-So you want to say that you will never go to uprisings entitled protecting students anymore?-I think that now the Kazakh people happy, our dream come true. We have our own country our Constitution. But I think that we should not be like Western because it reacts badly on our development. Everyone must be with itself.

In 1986, Dina Taldanbaeva worked as an accountant. And in those days, she invited the students to participate in the uprising. And for that, she quit working and 3 days she lied in prison, and it was very difficult and polices researched her many times. When she left the prison she couldn’t go herself because her hit very hard and she was too weak.

Ш Conclusion

Yes, of course it’s very touching. Do you know why there were many students? I think it’s because those students were very active and they loved their country. And they fought for justice. Although they initially didn’t want it, they wanted to say their opinion. But the executioners messed up. And the reason is that the students were a lot because they were very young and they have not been the thought that they can die. Even if they are not alive they are still in the heart of millions. Thanks for them we are very happy now. And we must appreciate what we have now. We should take inspiration from them. We should be like them. We must be Patriotic and we must love our motherland with all our heart as they. We should study well and should have impact on Kazakhstan’s development. We must to do all that not do our brothers and sisters. If we`ll look like them we definitely will not bad. I can say this with a guarantee hundred percent!

Independence Day

Let the humanity cherish

With my country awake

For flowers of different caste, creed and religion

Blossoming with broad vision.

Where sharing the knowledge with wisdom

To fulfill everyone’s dream

In winter summer and spring

A head our culture beaming.

At seventy let our countries hopes bloom

With our citizens name and fame

Each day striving hard to achieve

So one day with flying colours to live.

Пікір үстеу

Э-пошта мекенжайыңыз жарияланбайды. Міндетті өрістер * таңбаланған

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Жеңіл және сирек металдарды өндіру процестерінің ерекшеліктері, дәріс

6 дәрістің Жеңіл және сирек металдарды өндіру процестерінің ерекшеліктері Дәрістің конспектісі: Жеңіл…

План ателье «Дом моды»

План ателье «Дом моды» Цель: открытие ателье по пошиву одежду в центре…

Жеткізу бағдарламасы

Бағдарламаның мақсаты Кез-келген адам, кез-келген уақытта курьер болып жұмыс жасауы және тура…