Жұмыстың  тақырыбы:  Қазақ халқының ақиық ақыны М.Мақатаев пен шотланд ақыны Роберт Бернс поэзиясының үндестігі

Жұмыстың  ғылыми  бағыты:    Тілтану (ағылыш тілі)



I.2. M.Makataeyv…………………………………………..1

I.3. R.Burns…………………………………………………2

  1. Career…………………………………………………..2-3

II.1. About the Author……………………………………..3-4

II.2 Kazakh Pushkin………………………………………4-8

II.3 R.Burns’ career…………………………………………9-10



«Қазақ халқының ақиық ақыны  М.Мақатаев пен шотланд ақыны Роберт Бернс поэзиясының үндестігі» тақырыбына жазылған жұмысына


Оқушы өзінің ғылыми жұмысында екі ақынның өмірі мен шығармашылық жолдарының қыр-сырын зерттей отырып,олардың поэзиясының табиғатын даралай,саралай отырып,өзіндік ерекшеліктеріне көңіл аударған.

Өлеңдеріне соның ішінде «Тау туралы» екі ақынның өлеңдеріндегі ұқсастығына әдеби талдау жасай отырып,өз бетінше ізденіп,ой қорытқан.

Тауда өскен екі ақынның да жүректері таза,сезімдері асқақ,жырлары мөлдір бұлақ ақындардың туған жерге деген сүйіспеншіліктерін,табиғат әсемдігін түсінуге,қадір тұтуға,тау баласы екендіктерін шынайы махаббатпен жырлағандарын көрсеткен.


The aim of the theme to find the similarities of both poets poem ‘My Heart is in the Highlands’by Scottish poet R.Burns and ‘I am a Highlander’ by M.Makataev.

They are both great lover of nature. They looks on back and remember the time there they had enjoying with the nature. Probably Burns he is in the city. He misses how he used to chase a deer and followed the roe. And Mukagaly said he is a son of highland. Both of poets said  that where ever they go, any part or any corner of the world but their heart will always be in the highlands and they will love always. They narrate that the mountains are always covered with snow and with green valleys below. They both fed up with the city and the noise and the rush that they yens for the forest so much that they doesn’t mind a calamity such as a flood. Every second they had this words on their tongue that My Heart’s
In The Highlands, wherever I go. This is beautiful poem and every one can understand that how we all love nature. This is all God created.Every one likes nature hope you too!!!


Зерттеу жұмысының негізгі мақсаты:М.Мақатаев пен Р.Бернс поэзиясындағы ұқсастықтарды анықтау.

Оқушы өзінің ғылыми жұмысында екі ақынның өмірі мен шығармашылық жолдарының қыр-сырын зерттей отырып,олардың поэзиясының табиғатын даралай,саралай отырып,өзіндік ерекшеліктеріне көңіл аударған.

Өлеңдеріне соның ішінде «Тау туралы» екі ақынның өлеңдеріндегі ұқсастығына әдеби талдау жасай отырып,өз бетінше ізденіп,ой қорытқан.

Тауда өскен екі ақынның да жүректері таза,сезімдері асқақ,жырлары мөлдір бұлақ ақындардың туған жерге деген сүйіспеншіліктерін,табиғат әсемдігін түсінуге,қадір тұтуға,тау баласы екендіктерін шынайы махаббатпен жырлағандарын көрсеткен.

  1. Intoduction

«We need to look into the past in order to understand the present and foresee the future» N.A.Nazarbayev

        The theme of my project work ‘’The accord of famous Kazakh poet M.Makataev’s poetry with the poetry of Scottish poet R.Burns’’.

The aim of the theme to find the similarities of both poets poem ‘My Heart is in the Highlands’by Scottish poet R.Burns and ‘I am a Highlander’ by M.Makataev.

In order to achieve the aim of  my research work,there are given several objectives for it:

  • To give information about two poets
  • To find similarities of their poems
  • Analysis of two poems : My Heart ‘s in the Highlands and I am a Highlander

The importance of creativity M. Makatayev expressed Candidate of philological sciences, professor of Kazakh Philology B. Kadyrov: «Mukagali Makatayev – original Kazakh poet. His poems reflect the life of that period, milestones of our common history. Meanwhile, the people at all times try to live in peace, to work for the good of the family and their country, enjoy life, sadden and solve the everyday problems. All this, of life itself and the people of our country tell poems of Mukagali Makatayev. I think, therefore, in our time, his work remains relevant.

He is called the Kazakh Pushkin of our times. His colleagues said about him: “He dashed into the literature like a lighting and bedazzled all of us…”. Mukagali is easily recognized by the flow of his poetic lines, by his unique poetic voice. Deep human feelings and emotions he expresses in clear and simple words that reach the hearts of everyone who loves poetry.

From his diary: “The days without poems for me are lifeless. Thank God  for giving me this consolation. A poet has his own world, his own society and his own universe. I live for this and fight for this.”

I.1 Mukagali Makatayev

Mukagali Kazakh poet and writer and translator. He was born on February 9, 1931, the village Karasaz, Narynkol district, Almaty region. He graduated from high school. Aulsoveta worked as a secretary and head of the red yurt, an employee of the Komsomol, the literary staff of the local newspaper. In 1954-1962 he worked as a radio announcer on Kazakh, a teacher, in the years 1962-1972 – head of department of newspapers «Sotsialistіk  Kazakstan», «Kazakh әdebietі» magazines «Madeniet zhane tұrmys», «Zhuldyz», in the years 1972-1973 – the literature consultant of the Union of Writers of Kazakhstan. Mukagali Makatayev Karasaz was born in the village of Alma-Ata region, in the foothills of the Great Khan Tengri. He graduated from the Literary Institute. Gorky. Author of «Life is a legend,» «Life is a river», «Mozart’s Requiem», «Favorites.» Song of his poem «Sarzhaylyau» became popular. Translated into Kazakh Russian classics, foreign literature, including Walt Whitman, «The Divine Comedy» by Dante. His name is put in front of them, Abay Auezova and other classics of Kazakh literature. Laureate of the State Prize of Kazakhstan … Mukagali and his peers have become the main labor force and replaced the adult men who had gone to the front. They grazed cattle and plowed land, harvest and threshing. Along with the women and old men they considered themselves to be responsible for a life in the rear and very proud of it.

I.2 Robert Burns

Robert Burns is the national poet of Scotland. In his poems Burns sang the beauty and the glory of his native land.

Burns was born in Alloway, near Ayr, on 25 of January 1759. His father, a small farmer, was a hard-working man. When Robert was 6, he was sent to a school at Alloway Miln. Robert and his brother Gilbert were given a good knowledge of English. They progressed rapidly in reading and writing.

For some years Burns worked on the family field, plugging and reaping. The combination of hard physical labour and poor food in his youth that brought about the first symptoms of the heart disease which troubled him for much of his life and from which he died.

Burns wrote his first poem at the age of 14 for a girl who worked with him in the fields. After father’s death he immigrated to Jamaica. His most creative years were probably 1785 and 1786. During this period Burns wrote his most brilliant poems. Burns published his poems in August 1786. The success was great.

Soon, in April 1787, a second edition of his poems appeared in Edinburgh; 3000 copies were printed – a very large number for those times!

Now Burns had the opportunity to see more of his native land which he so dearly loved. He visited some historic places, which made a great impression on him.

During the last 5 years of his life Burns wrote some of his best poems and songs. After a short illness he died on 21 July 1796

  1. Career

In 1952–1969 he worked in a high school as a teacher of Russian language, a speaker on the Kazakh Radio, an executive secretary of The Soviet border (Kazakh: Советтік шекара) newspaper, a literary contributor to the newspapers Socialist Kazakhstan (Kazakh: Социалистік Қазақстан) and Culture and Life (Kazakh: Мәдениет және Тұрмыс) and Star (Kazakh: Жұлдыз) magazine. In 1970 he joined the Writers’ Union of Kazakhstan. In 1973–1974 he studied in the Moscow Institute of Arts and Letters.

Mukaghali Makatayev’s poetic works were first published in 1948. He became famous with his poem «Appassionata» (Kazakh: Аппассионата, 1962). The poems «Lenin» (Kazakh: Ленин, 1964) and «The Moor» (Kazakh: Мавр, 1970)


were devoted to Lenin and Marx. Poetry collections Hello Friends (Kazakh: Армысыңдар достар, 1966), You came, my

Swallow? (Kazakh: Қарлығашым келдің бе?, 1968), Alas, my heart (Kazakh: Дариға жүрек, 1972), When swans asleep (Kazakh:Аққулар ұйықтағанда, 1974), The warmth of life (Kazakh: Шуағым менің, 1975), Poem of Life (Kazakh: Өмір-дастан, 1976), River of Life (Kazakh: Өмір-өзен, 1978), Heart sings (Kazakh: Жырлайды жүрек, 1-2 Books, 1982), Sholpan (Kazakh: Шолпан, 1984) and others entered the golden fund of the Kazakh national poetry. Prose works were included in the collection titled Two Swallows (Kazakh: Қос қарлығаш, 1988). Many of Makatayev’s poems were turned into songs.

Makatayev translated into the Kazakh language sonnets of William Shakespeare (1970), poems of Walt Whitman (1969), Dante’s Divine Comedy (1971), and other literary works.

Mukaghali Makatayev died in Almaty on March 27, 1976, at the age of 45. In 1999 Mukaghali Makatayev was posthumously awarded the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the collection of poems under the title «Amanat».

About the Author

Mukaghali, translated by Marina Kartseva

Mukagali Makatayev (1931-1977) spent his childhood in the Kazakh village of Karasaz, nestled in the foothills of the Great Khan-Tengri, the highest peak of Tyan-Shahn mountains. During WWII, as a teenager, Mukagali, like his peers, became the main labor force in their village and replaced the adult men who had left for the front. They tended to the cattle and maintained the farmland, alongside the women and elderly men, finding great pride in this. Upon graduating from high school, he tended the Red Yurt, a moveable library in the remote areas of Kazakhstan. Mukagali graduated from the Literary Institute named after Gorky, in Moscow. He authored the famous poems: “Life is a Legend,” “Life is a River”, “Mozart’s Requiem”, He translated many Russian classics and prominent world literature (including “Leaves of Grass” by Walt Whitman and “The Divine Comedy” by Dante) into the Kazakh language. His personal life was, unfortunately, a tragic one. Emotionally scarred by the death of his wife and infant daughter, he struggled for many years with a heart illness, which he finally succumbed to in 1977.

The importance of creativity M. Makatayev expressed Candidate of philological sciences, professor of Kazakh Philology B. Kadyrov: «Mukagali Makatayev – original Kazakh poet. His poems reflect the life of that period, milestones of our common history. Meanwhile, the people at all times try to live in peace, to work for the good of the family and their country, enjoy life, sadden and solve the everyday problems. All this, of life itself and the people of our country tell poems of Mukagali Makatayev. I think, therefore, in our time, his work remains relevant, getting a little different, echoing the era sound.»


Figurative number of outstanding poems of the poet was added by the spectacular works of Maysan Iklasova in which the artist displayed the milestones of life and creative origins of

Mukagali Makatayev. Maysa Iklasova teaches at the department of Architecture and design, and is deservedly a member of the Union of Artists of Kazakhstan.

The evening ended on a positive note, with the scientific library of PSU employees told the students that poetry collections of Mukagali Makatayev are anytime available to everyone to get acquainted with his work.

Today, Mukagali ‘s books are on display on the front shelves of Golden Fund of the Kazakh poetry, but, unfortunately, glory found him long after his death.

Rabindranath Tagore, the great Indian poet, once said: “A nation that has in its possession something that it treasures most, is obligated to make it the world’s heritage.” To the full extent these words could be applied to Mukagali Makatayev (Feb 9, 1931 – 26 Mar, 1976), the Kazakh lyrical poet of ‘70s.

He was born in a little village of Karasaz, situated at the foothills of the enshrined Khan-Tengri mountain, to become a “shrine” himself. He wrote his first poem at the age of 17, but his first book of poems was published when he was 33 and he had only 12 years to live. He created over 4,000 poems during two months he spent in the hospital due to a serous illness.

Only a fraction of his poems saw the light of the day during his life. The majority of his poems were published after his death. Mukagali Makatayev…. the poet, our most loved poet of the age with God’s given talent.


He was officially recognized only after his death. He received the highest state titles, laurels and honours in 2006, thirty years after his departure.

Mukagali died too early. But with his death his second life began. And Mukagali today is a legend, the Truth and the Bible. He is the symbol of the Kazakh poetry.


If you ask a Kazakh: who is the greatest poet of modern times, the answer will be Mukagali. And I keep asking the people… is there any other poet who could be put above him? The answer I get is “No one”.

«Kazakh Pushkin»

He is called the Kazakh Pushkin of our times. His colleagues said about him: “He dashed into the literature like a lighting and bedazzled all of us…”. Mukagali is easily recognized by the flow of his poetic lines, by his unique poetic voice. Deep human feelings and emotions he expresses in clear and simple words that reach the hearts of everyone who loves poetry.


From his diary: “The days without poems for me are lifeless. Thank God  for giving me this consolation. A poet has his own world, his own society and his own universe. I live for this and fight for this.”

He was also one of the first poets who brilliantly translated into Kazakh the pieces of world classical literature: Walt Whitman’s “Leaves of Grass”, Shakespeare’ Sonnets, Dante’ s Divine Comedy and many others.

His life was full of ordeals: tragically died his eldest daughter (Mukagali had 5 children), he had no house and moved from flat to flat, he lost his job, he lost a big folder with his poetic manuscripts, he went through severe Communist censorship, was harassed by fellow poets and expelled from the Writers’ Association of Kazakhstan and was fighting with his incurable illness.

«Requiem to Mozart»

His last poem was called “Requiem to Mozart”. Mukagali was fascinated by Mozart’s music and he was shocked to learn that there were no last rites served for the great musician. Even today Mozart’s burial place is still unknown. Mozart was buried without burial service in the common grave next to poor people. It seems that Mukagali took over this mission and read the last rites for him by writing “Requiem to Mozart”.

So different, they had a lot in common. Unrecognized in their lifetime they went through the hardships and poverty and both died suddenly in the prime of life: Makataev at 45, Mozart at 35.

They both left a swan song – Requiem.

February 9 was Mukagali’s birthday. He would have turned 82…

Dialogue of love

– If I suddenly sink into oblivion like a bird?

– I will search for you the eternity all my life.

– If I suddenly burn to ashes in the fire?

– I will mingle in the ashes of that fire.

– If I suddenly disappear like a mirage?

– I will turn into a wind to reach you there.

– If I bring to you the troubles and despair?

– Hush, my darling, I will bear it anywhere.


Three happy things    


My biggest happiness in life is you, my people,

And if my people live, it means that I live too.

I give the honey of my poems to my nation

This simple happiness means more than gold to me.


My second happiness is you, my dear native tongue,

The hard stone granite heart I melted with the words,

And all because I always learn from my native tongue,

That taught me all the truth and kindness in the world.


And my third happiness is you, my dear Motherland,

Whoever stands for different things in life, and I will stand for you,

Could an extinguished home fire be lit again?

Come here, my friend and I will share my fire with you.


Three things of happiness lie there on my caring palms,

I am the richest man and no one would deny,

Like bright three suns in the cloudless sky are shining,

And underneath are Atyrau, Alatau and Altai!

(Translated from Kazakh by Zeena Urynbassarova)

by Zeena Urynbassarova

Life and works of Kazakh writers Makatayev Mukagali Mukagali Makatayev was born on February 9, 1931 in the village Karasaz Narynkolskogo (nowadays Raimbek) the region of Almaty area. Karasaz’s reserved beauty became a source of poetic gift of Mukagali. Karasaz – Makatayev’s small homeland that helped him in the most difficult minutes of his life. It gave him wings and foreordained a destiny of a poet. The poet’s full name – Mukhametkali, but since the childhood he was tenderly called Mukagali, considering that a load of responsibility (it is hard to bear a name of Prophet) can complicate the child’s life. He was the first of three children of his young parents Suleymen and Nagiman. His father was a modest and hard-working person, one year before the war became the chairman of collective farm. Makatayev’s childhood was rosy. Makatayev loved the world of his childhood and was sincerely sick for it. And many images of his poetry were inspired by memories of the childhood.


War changed everything in Mukagali’s life. He was 10 when his father went off to war, and all difficulties came upon the teenager. As all boys of war generation, Makatayev early grew to maturity, having realized that in the house where there were only women and children, he had to become a man, to protect his family and bear responsibility. Makatayev’s father died in the war. And since that time Mukagali never forgot that he had no right simply to go out and disappear. Perhaps, right in that moment he understood immortality embodied later in his poems. When Makatayev was 14 he was very keen on poetry. He got inspiration from world around and from books. Mukagali liked very much to read works of Abay, Auezov, Seyfullin, Musrepov. Perfectly knew Russian, excitedly read Russian literature, especially Pushkin, Yesenin’s poetry, Block. From foreign literature he was interested in Goethe, Dumas, Hugo, Byron, Dreiser, Stendhal, but preferred more Balzac, London nd Shakespeare. Makatayev in one of his letters admits: «Yes, I love literature. There is nothing above it for me». In 1948 Makatayev graduated from boarding school in Narynkol. He entered institutes successfully several times: on philological faculty of KAZGU, then in institute of foreign languages and again in KAZGU, but this time on law faculty. Makatayev married in 1949. Then six children come into the world. Mukagali Makatayev worked in aul as a teacher of Russian at school, a correspondent of the regional newspaper. After family moving in 1962 to Almaty his professional activity was closely connected with literature: worked as an announcer on the Kazakh radio, a journalist in the Sotsialistik Kazakstan newspaper, an employee of the Zhuldyz magazine, the head of council on affairs of youth in the Union of writers. Despite change of external circumstances, Makatayev was constant in the main thing – selfless love to poetry. He wrote verses all the time and was often published on pages of magazines and newspapers. Since 1962 till 1976 eight poetic collections of the poet went out. During twenty five years of work in literature Makatayev wrote more than 1 000 poems. He became the author of such poems, as Ilyich («Ильич»), Raimbek! Raimbek! («Раимбек! Раимбек!»), A mountain eagle(«Горный орел»), Escapee («Беглец»), Moor («Мавр»), and also stories, play Farewell, love («Прощай, любовь»), articles on modern Kazakh poetry. Translated the first part of «The divine comedy» by Dante. Was engaged in translation of works by W.Shakespeare, U.Uitmen, East poets, Russian poets.

Таудай болғым келеді

Өлмесін деп берген ғой тауды маған.

Мен күрсінсем күңіреніп тау жылаған.

Көңілімде бір құйын көтерілсе,

Тауларымда тұрады қарлы боран.


Мен –таулықпын-

Қыранның балапаны.

Маған-дағы тауымның таңы атады.

Қарапайым қалтықсыз жырларымды

Қызметіне өз халқым жаратады.

                      Мен Таулықпын

Тау дейтін алып жүрек  Ана туған


Мен таулықпын!

Таудан мен жаратылғам.

Киіктің сүтін еміп ержеткенмін

Қуат алып қыранның канатынан.

Мен таулықпын!


Таудан мен жаратылғам.

Бұлт бүркеніп ,жай отын ала туғам.

Күн алғашқы сәулесін маған шашып,

Маған келіп түнейді қара тұман.


Тау ұлымын.

Тау-менің дәу бесігім.

Мен оның әуресімін,сәулесімін

Асқар шыңдар желпиді бесігімді,

Бір орамын ағытып сәлдесінің.


I am a highlander

Born in mountains.

Highland is my mother and destiny.

Gone there, May be

I would fly

Holding the wing of an eagle

In the sky.

Аударған А.Шахамов

II.Robert Burns (January 25, 1759 – July 21, 1796) is the best known of the poets who have written in Scots. His poem Auld Lang Syne is often sung at Hogmanay.

Born in Alloway, Ayrshire, Scotland to a poor farming family, his parents made sure that he was well educated as a child. In 1783 he started composing poetry in a traditional style using the Ayrshire dialect of Scots. These poems were well received locally and in 1786 they were published in the volume, Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish dialect by a local printer in Kilmarnock. This volume made him famous in Scotland overnight and as a result he spent several years in Edinburgh society.

However the fame was not accompanied by money and he found it necessary to return to farming. However that too proved unprofitable and in 1789 he entered government service working for the Customs and Excise service.

He died at the age of 37 as a result of a weak heart brought on by years of poor working conditions on the farm dating back to his childhood. Within a short time of his death, money started pouring in from all over Scotland to support his widow and children.
His memory is celebrated by Burns clubs across the world; his birthday is an unofficial «National Day» for Scots and those with Scottish ancestry, celebrated with Burns suppers

His father, William Burns, was a poor farmer. There were seven children in the family, and Robert was the eldest. His father knew the value of a good education, and he tried to give his children the best education he could afford. Robert was sent to school at the age of six, but as his father could not pay for the two sons, Robert and his brother Gilbert attended school in turn.

When not at school, the boys helped their father with his work in the fields. But soon the teacher left, and so Burns’s father invited a young school teacher to teach the boys. When the teacher left, the poet’s father taught the children himself. Reading and writing, arithmetic, English grammar, history, literature, French and Latin — that was Robert Burns’s education. Robert’s mother knew many Scottish songs and ballads and often sang them to her son in his childhood. His mother’s friend Betty told Robert many fantastic tales about devils, fairies and witches. Burns’s mother died in 1820. She lived long and enjoyed the fame of her poet son. Robert Burns became fond of reading. He read whatever he could lay nis hands on. His favourite writers were Shakespeare, Smolett, Robert Fergusson, a talented Scottish poet (1750—1774). Fergusson’s tragic fate deeply touched Burns. Burns devoted many verses to Fergusson. Robert Burns began to write poetry when he was fifteen. He composed verses to the melodies of old folk-songs, which he had admired from his early childhood. He sang of the woods, fields and wonderful valleys of his native land. Burns published some of his poems in 1786. Their success was complete. And Robert Burns became well known and popular. When Burns came to Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, a new and enlarged edition of his poems was published. But soon Edinburgh society grew tired of him and forgot about the poet. Robert Burns left Edinburgh and returned to his native village with money enough to buy a farm and marry Jean Armour. Burns devoted to Jean many beautiful poems, such as «I love my Jean», «Bonnie Jean» and many others. Robert Burns’s poems were very popular, he always remained poor. He worked hard and destroyed his health. He died in poverty at the age of thirty — seven in 1796. The poetry and songs of Robert Burns are famous all over the world. Robert Burns’s poems and verses inspired Beethoven, Schumann, Mendelssohn and other composers who wrote music to them. Burns is a democratic poet. His sympathy was with the poor. That is why his funeral was attended by a crowd of ten thousand. They were the common Scottish people whom he had loved and for whom he had written his poems and songs. The most popular poems of Robert Burns are «The Tree of Liberty», «My Heart’s in the Highlands», «A Red, Red Rose» and many others.


My heart`s in the Highlands 

My heart`s in the Highlands, my heart is not here;
My heart`s in the Highlands, a chasing the deer;
Chasing the wild deer, and following the roe;
My heart in the Highlands, wherever I go.-

Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North;
The birth- place of Valour, the country of Worth;
Wherever I wander, wherever I rove,
The hills of the Highlands for ever I love.-

Farewell to the mountains high cover`d with snow;
Farewell to the Straths and green vallies below:
Farewell to the forests and wild-hanging woods;
Farewell to the torrents and loud-pouring floods.-

My heart`s in the Highlands, my heart is not here,
My heart`s in the Highlands, a chasing the deer:
Chasing the wild deer, and following the roe;
My heart`s in the Highlands, wherever I go.

 «Менің жүрегім тау өтінде»

Менің жүрегім тау өтінде,әлі де сонда

Тау тасқа секірген еліктер мен

Тауешкі ,бұғылардың ізіменен

Қусам дағы өзім қалдым етегінде,

Ал жүрегім болса тау өтінде,әлі де сонда.

Қош бол туған жер,қош бол,

Тағдыр мені қаншалықты сандалтса да,

Қаламын сүйген ұлың болып мәңгі бақи,

Ардақтайтын ,даңқыңды көтеретін асқар шыңға.

R.Burns              Аударған А.Шахамов



Р.Бернс пен М.Мақатаевтың тағдырларының да сәйкестігі, олардың өлеңдерінде көрініс береді.Р.Бернс өмір жолына көңіл аударсақ оның да талай тар жол тайғақ кешкендігі жөнінде көруге болады. Екі ақынның да жырлары өз өмірлерінен басталған.Менің өлеңдерім-менің өмірім деген.

They are both great lover of nature. They looks on back and remember the time there they had enjoying with the nature. Probably Burns he is in the city. He misses how he used to chase a deer and followed the roe. And Mukagaly said he is a son of highland. Both of poets said  that where ever they go, any part or any corner of the world but their heart will always be in the highlands and they will love always. They narrate that the mountains are always covered with snow and with green valleys below. They both fed up with the city and the noise and the rush that they yens for the forest so much that they doesn’t mind a calamity such as a flood. Every second they had this words on their tongue that My Heart’s
In The Highlands, wherever I go. This is beautiful poem and every one can understand that how we all love nature. This is all God created.Every one likes nature hope you too!!!
This poem is about Robert Burns leaving his home, the Highlands. He looks back on his life to remember all of the good times he had there, and not saying anything about where is was at the time being. This shows that he was either homesick, or just didn’t like the place he was currently living. This poem doesn’t have a lot of in-depth thought and is a fairly easy read, therefore I think anybody would be able to understand this poem as long as they can read.
My Heart\’s In The Highlands Analysis Robert Burns critical analysis of poem, review school overview. Analysis of the poem. literary terms. Definition terms. Why did he use? short summary describing. My Heart\’s In The Highlands Analysis Robert Burns Characters archetypes. Sparknotes bookrags the meaning summary overview critique of explanation online education meaning metaphors symbolism characterization itunes.

Whenever we speak of Scotland, the name of Scotland’s  Robert Burns is always there,as the ever-living, never-dying symbol of that country.

«Дүниеде ақындардың бәрі жалғыз» деп М.Мақатаев жырлап өтсе де,ақындар өз халқымен бірге,олардың туындылары да мәңгі бақи жасайды.



  1. Famous Scottish poets and writers. Collection
  2. I.Kovaleva ‘’ Extra- Curriculum work’’
  3. Wikipedia
  4. М.Мақатаев «Өмір-өзен» өлеңдер жинағы
  5. М.Мақатаевтың өлеңдер жинағы 1-4 том
  6. Баспасөз материалдары
  7. Республикалық ғылыми-әдістемелік журнал 45/2018ж
  8. Қазақстан Ұлттық энциклопедиясы.Алматы, «Қазақ энциклопедиясы»,1998.
  9. «Аңыз адам» журналы.№5
  • «Шығармалар жинағы». 5том.Астан.2011.
  1. Famous Writers and Poets.Collection
  2. 13
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