Ғылыми жоба 

The effect of the Internet on student speech

Бағыты: Қазақстанның тарихи ескерткіштері және болашақ дамуы бар саяхат маршруттары

Секциясы: тіл білімі


The theme of the scientific work: «The effect of the internet on student speech»

The aim of the scientific work: The scientific project is dedicated to the influence of the Internet on students speech. The article indicates the statistics of Internet use among students.

Purpose and objectives of scientific work:Thanks to the research, the good and bad sides of the influence of the Internet on the students speech have been revealed.

The author views the Internet as a mass media and provides an analysis of students’ speech on social networks.

Research methods:The author gives a characterization of Internet slang, examines various examples of slang expressions and their use among students.

Sources of the scientific project:The scientific work examines the causes of illiteracy among students and provides advice to parents on the development of speech in children.

The article is intended for people of all ages and professions. May be of particular interest to parents.

Construction of the project: the work consists of an introduction, the main part, a conclusion and a list of references.


Тема научного проекта: «Влияние интернета на речь ученика »

Цель научного проекта: Научный проект посвящен

влиянию интернета на речь ученика.

В статье указывется статистика использования интернета у студентов.

Научно-исследовательские цели: Благодаря иследованию выявлены хорошие и плохие стороны влияния интернета на речь студентов.

Автор расматривает интернет как средство массовой информации и дает анализ речи студентов в социальных сетях.

Автор дает характеристику интернет слэнгу, расматривает различные примеры слэнговых выражений и их использования среди студентов.Источники работы научного проекта: В научном проекте расматриваются причины неграмотности среди студентов и предоставляются советы родителям по развитию речи у детей.Статья предназначена для людей всех возрастов и профессий. Может представлять особый  интерес у родителей.Построение проекта: работа состоит из введение, основной части, заключения и списка использованной литературы.                             АннотацияҒылыми жұмыстың тақырыбы:  «Оқушының сөйлеу мәнеріне интернеттің әсері»Ғылыми жоба ғаламтордың студенттердің сөйлеуіне әсеріне арналған.Ғылыми жұмыстың мақсаты:Мақалада студенттердің ғаламторды пайдалану статистикасы көрсетілген.Зерттеудің міндеттері: Зерттеудің арқасында ғаламтордың студенттердің сөйлеуіне әсер етуінің жақсы және жаман жақтары анықталды.Жоба жұмысының дереккөздері: Автор ғаламторды бұқаралық ақпарат құралы ретінде қарастырады және студенттердің әлеуметтік желілердегі сөзіне талдау жасайды.Автор ғаламтордағы жаргон мен слэнгты сипаттап, жаргон өрнектерінің әртүрлі мысалдарын және оларды студенттер арасында қолданылуын қарастырады.Ғылыми жұмыста студенттер арасындағы сауатсыздықтың себептері қарастырылған және ата-аналарға балалардың сөйлеуін дамыту бойынша кеңестер берілген.Мақала барлық жастағы және кәсіптегі адамдарға арналған. Ата-аналардың ерекше қызығушылығын тудыруы мүмкін.Жобаның құрылысы: Жұмыс кіріспеден, негізгі бөлімнен, қорытындыдан және пайдаланылған әдебиеттер тізімінен тұрады. 

The effect of the internet on student speech



  1. Internet
  1. History of the Internet
  1. Impact of the Internet on adolescent speech
  • The Internet as a mass media
  • The language of modern adolescents in the virtual space of the Internet

3.3The impact of the Internet on adolescent literacy

  1. Experimental work on the research problem



The role of the Internet in modern society plays an important role. Internet addiction is the main problem of modern society, since the Internet in the modern world has a great influence on a person. A large amount of information, high speed of life processes and the constant growth of requirements for the general level of knowledge oblige a person to constantly turn to reliable and comprehensive sources of information that the Internet can provide us with.

The Internet is an ideal source of information, as well as an excellent tool for communication and building your own business. In other words, the Internet provides great opportunities for a person, which, if used correctly, can be of benefit to him. The main idea of ​​the Internet is the open dissemination of information, as well as the establishment of connections between individuals.

Modern children are more intensively and more fully mastered in the information space; a situation arises when, as M. Mead argued, the young generation can act as a subject, an expert of the processes of new formations in society. The Internet user activity of the younger generations, according to experts, is one of the important indicators of the pace of building an information society in our country.

In recent years, social networks are gaining immense popularity allowing communication. Of course, communication in the virtual space has both positive and negative sides. The advantages include the possibility of so-called contactless communication, in other words, the Internet allows you to interact with any person, no matter where he is in the world. An opportunity to discover something new when communicating with a person from another country, thereby penetrating the culture of other countries and peoples. Communication on the Internet gives a person the opportunity to realize himself, in anything, and also allows people with disabilities to get a full-fledged education, and find a job.

The downside of communication in social networks is the emergence of Internet addiction as a result of uncontrolled «sitting» on the network, and not only young people who spend most of their time on the pages of social networks, communicating with their peers, are exposed to it. The Internet deprives a person of the need to think actively, as well as to think logically. Teenagers, due to their impressionability, quite easily, through humor spread on social networks, easily remember new jargon or Internet meme.

The need to study this problem is caused by the contradiction between the increased influence of the Internet on the life and speech of adolescents, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, the insufficient development of methodological recommendations on the research topic.

Purpose of the research: to study the influence of the Internet on the speech of adolescents and develop guidelines on this topic.

Research object: the Internet

Research subject: the process of influence of the Internet on the speech of adolescents.

Hypothesis: the influence of the Internet on the speech of adolescents will be less harmful if children are taught to work with information flow and the skill to filter out harmful information is taught.

Based on the goal, object of research and hypothesis, the following tasks can be defined:

Study the impact of the Internet on adolescents;

Identify the positive and negative aspects of the speech of adolescents;

Find possible ways to combat Internet-driven illiteracy.

Research methods: analysis and work with literature on the research problem, conducting a survey to determine the causes and sources of the influence of the Internet on the speech of adolescents.

  1. Internet

The Internet is a global wide area network that connects computer systems across the world. It includes several high-bandwidth data lines that comprise the Internet «backbone.» These lines are connected to major Internet hubs that distribute data to other locations, such as web servers and ISPs.

The word internetted was used as early as 1849, meaning interconnected or interwoven. Today, the term Internet most commonly refers to the global system of interconnected computer networks, though it may also refer to any group of smaller networks. When it came into common use, most publications treated the word as a capitalized proper noun; this has become less common.

The Internet provides different online services. Some examples include:

  1. Web – a collection of billions of webpages that you can view with a web browser
  2. Email – the most common method of sending and receiving messages online
  3. Social media – websites and apps that allow people to share comments, photos, and videos
  4. Online gaming – games that allow people to play with and against each other over the Internet
  5. Software updates – operating system and application updates can typically downloaded from the Internet

In the early days of the Internet, most people connected to the Internet using a home computer and a dial-up modem. DSL and cable modems eventually provided users with «always-on» connections. Now mobile devices, such as tablets and smartphones, make it possible for people to be connected to the Internet at all times. The Internet of Things has turned common appliances and home systems into «smart» devices that can be monitored and controlled over the Internet. As the Internet continues to grow and evolve, you can expect it to become an even more integral part of daily life.

  1. History of the Internet

As you might expect for a technology so expansive and ever-changing, it is impossible to credit the invention of the internet to a single person. The internet was the work of dozens of pioneering scientists, programmers and engineers who each developed new features and technologies that eventually merged to become the “information superhighway” we know today.

Long before the technology existed to actually build the internet, many scientists had already anticipated the existence of worldwide networks of information. Nikola Tesla toyed with the idea of a “world wireless system” in the early 1900s, and visionary thinkers like Paul Otlet and Vannevar Bush conceived of mechanized, searchable storage systems of books and media in the 1930s and 1940s.

Still, the first practical schematics for the internet would not arrive until the early 1960s, when MIT’s J.C.R. Licklider popularized the idea of an “Intergalactic Network” of computers. Shortly thereafter, computer scientists developed the concept of “packet switching,” a method for effectively transmitting electronic data that would later become one of the major building blocks of the internet.

The first workable prototype of the Internet came in the late 1960s with the creation of ARPANET, or the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. Originally funded by the U.S. Department of Defense, ARPANET used packet switching to allow multiple computers to communicate on a single network.

The Internet started in the 1960s as a way for government researchers to share information. Computers in the ’60s were large and immobile and in order to make use of information stored in any one computer, one had to either travel to the site of the computer or have magnetic computer tapes sent through the conventional postal system.

Another catalyst in the formation of the Internet was the heating up of the Cold War. The Soviet Union’s launch of the Sputnik satellite spurred the U.S. Defense Department to consider ways information could still be disseminated even after a nuclear attack. This eventually led to the formation of the ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network), the network that ultimately evolved into what we now know as the Internet. ARPANET was a great success but membership was limited to certain academic and research organizations who had contracts with the Defense Department. In response to this, other networks were created to provide information sharing.

January 1, 1983 is considered the official birthday of the Internet. Prior to this, the various computer networks did not have a standard way to communicate with each other. A new communications protocol was established called Transfer Control Protocol/Internetwork Protocol (TCP/IP). This allowed different kinds of computers on different networks to «talk» to each other. ARPANET and the Defense Data Network officially changed to the TCP/IP standard on January 1, 1983, hence the birth of the Internet. All networks could now be connected by a universal language. 

The image above is a scale model of the UNIVAC I (the name stood for Universal Automatic Computer) which was delivered to the Census Bureau in 1951. It weighed some 16,000 pounds, used 5,000 vacuum tubes, and could perform about 1,000 calculations per second. It was the first American commercial computer, as well as the first computer designed for business use. (Business computers like the UNIVAC processed data more slowly than the IAS-type machines, but were designed for fast input and output.) The first few sales were to government agencies, the A.C. Nielsen Company, and the Prudential Insurance Company. The first UNIVAC for business applications was installed at the General Electric Appliance Division, to do payroll, in 1954. By 1957 Remington-Rand (which had purchased the Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation in 1950) had sold forty-six machines.

The technology continued to grow in the 1970s after scientists Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf developed Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol, or TCP/IP, a communications model that set standards for how data could be transmitted between multiple networks.

ARPANET adopted TCP/IP on January 1, 1983, and from there researchers began to assemble the “network of networks” that became the modern Internet. The online world then took on a more recognizable form in 1990, when computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web. While it’s often confused with the internet itself, the web is actually just the most common means of accessing data online in the form of websites and hyperlinks.

The web helped popularize the internet among the public, and served as a crucial step in developing the vast trove of information that most of us now access on a daily basis.

  1. Impact of the Internet on adolescent speech 
  • The Internet as a Mass Media

The Law «On Mass Media» (Part 2) reads: mass information means printed, audio, audiovisual and other messages and materials intended for an unlimited number of persons; a mass media means a periodical printed publication, radio, television, video program, newsreel program, another form of periodic dissemination of mass information.

The Internet can not only compete with traditional media, but also overtake them in many ways.

The popularity of the Internet is amazing and its audience is growing every year. Unlike other media, the Internet provides an opportunity to receive the necessary information at any time of the day and in any volume. The Internet is 24/7 access to information of any kind. On the Internet, you can find out this or that news, from a completely different angle, in the context of other events, in the form in which, for example, television and the press cannot present it. After all, as you know, there is no censorship on the Internet. The Internet, by its very appearance, destroyed the truly idea of ​​the «inviolability», «virginity» of the word as such. Moreover, the one that is aimed at mass perception. On the Internet, «freedom of speech» manifests all its possibilities. Any event is publicized, any opinion has a place to be, everyone has the opportunity to express themselves. The word on the Internet is deliberately legalized.

One of the merit of the Internet is that the majority of its users are young people.

Another distinctive feature of the Internet is that it positions itself not only as an information network, but also as a communication network. That is, providing an opportunity to communicate. After all, site owners can not only provide users with the necessary information, but also receive information from them, through the so-called feedback.

You can find everything on the Internet, from politics to pornography, but at the same time, information is not imposed on the user, everyone chooses what interests him.

The Internet is an advanced media. It gives the user an insight into his essence. It captures the interest of the audience thanks to the new opportunities it provides: the ability to communicate, work, receive, store and share information, the ability to learn, learn new things and always be aware of all events.

  • The language of modern adolescents in the virtual space of the Internet

Recently, the penetration of slang vocabulary into general use, even into the language of the media and literature, has been especially noticeable. This is especially noticeable on the Internet. Those who have used the Internet at least once know that something happens to the language there all the time. Spelling is distorted, faces appear in the text, incomprehensible words and even expressions are encountered at every step. But the main difference lies not even in the language itself, but in the ways and conditions of its use. As philologists note: «… as we observed the natural course of development of this object, the danger that it poses clearly began to manifest itself, contributing in every way to the corrosion of the language, the erosion of its spelling and grammatical foundations and the deformation of lexical and stylistic norms.»

Since so much of our communication today happens online, the Internet has developed almost its own language. This language is even more casual and has many abbreviations (shortenings of words and phrases).

When you tell someone goodbye, you usually just say “bye.” This is a shortening that was created to save time since the word “goodbye” is so common.

The same is true for the Internet! Much of Internet slang is made up of abbreviations and shortenings. HeresomeofthemostcommonlyusedInternetabbreviations:

  • lol— laughingoutloud
  • brb— berightback
  • btw— bytheway
  • lmk— letmeknow
  • g2g— gottogo

Jargon (fr. Jargon) is a specific language that is not associated with any territory, but arises in the environment of various social groups and collectives, relatively stable, uniting people on the basis of profession (for example, the jargon of programmers), position in society

(the jargon of the Russian nobility), interests (the jargon of philatelists), age (youth jargon), etc. Jargon is distinguished by specific vocabulary and phraseology and a special use of word-formation means.

Argo (fr. Argot) – a special language of some limited professional or special group, consisting of arbitrarily selected modified elements of one or more natural languages. Argo is used, as a rule, to hide the subject of communication, as well as as a means of separating the group from the rest of society.

Slang (English slang) – in one sense the same as jargon, in the other – a set of jargon that make up the layer of colloquial vocabulary, reflecting a rude familiar, sometimes humorous attitude to the subject of speech

A few websites have their own terminology, abbreviations and slang. Twitter and Reddit, two social media websites, are two big sites that use a lot of their own slang.

On Twitter

  1. Hashtag

Many websites and blogs use tags to make it easier to search for content. When Twitter first came out, it didn’t have the option to add these tags. People who used Twitter decided to create their own way of tagging their posts: the hashtag.

Hashtags use the # symbol before the keywords, which are written without spaces. The hashtag has expanded into the rest of the Internet, and doesn’t only exist on Twitter now.

One example of a popular hashtag is #TBT, which stands for Throwback Thursday. People share old things from their childhoods (remember phone cords and dial-up modems?) and use that hashtag. #TBT is used on other social media websites as well, even on days other than Thursday.

  1. DM (Direct Message)

A direct message, or DM, is a term used on Twitter for a private communication with someone. Each user has a “Messages” page where they can read and send direct messages to other users.

  1. RT (Retweet)

A retweet on Twitter is when someone shares your tweet with their followers. Retweeting something means you like what that person said, agree with it or have something to add.

  1. AMA (Ask Me Anything)

The AMA was first made popular on the sharing forum and community, Reddit. Short for “Ask Me Anything,” an AMA is when someone, usually well-known or from an interesting background, goes online and answers questions posed by the community.

  1. Bump

In forums, topics are usually listed in the order of the last comment received. If they move too far down the list, they get onto the second page, and are not as likely to be seen.

When you want to push a topic back to the top of the list, you “bump” the topic by just writing “bump” as a new comment.

  1. Troll

Online, trolls are people who take pleasure from starting disagreements and angering people. Trolls usually post or respond to comments in a way that will annoy or anger the most people possible.

There’s a saying online, “Don’t feed the trolls.” This means you shouldn’t interact with someone who is “trolling,” since it will only encourage them.

You usually find trolls hanging out on forums, but they can be anywhere online, from your Facebook, to the comments section on a news article.

  1. Lurker

This is someone who visits a forum, blog or website often, but doesn’t leave any comments. The word can be used in offline conversations too—”to lurk” means to hide just out of sight.

General Internet Slang

  1. Meme

The word “meme” has been around longer than the Internet. Outside the Internet, the word describes a part of culture that developed because it was passed on from one person to another, usually by imitation. A meme can be an idea, a tune, an image—anything that can be passed on and altered.

Online, though, a meme is an image, text or video that’s copied and modified over and over again. Most of the time, people add their own funny change to the image or text.

  1. Facepalm

A facepalm is a gesture where you put the palm of your hand on your face. This is usually done in response to someone saying something very obvious or not very smart.

  1. Epic fail

When someone fails, usually due to an easily avoided mistake, people online call it an “epic fail.” The word “epic” actually refers to old poems and stories that described the long and awesome adventures of legendary heroes.

Today we use the word “epic” to talk about anything huge or important, like that epic sandwich we ate last night.

  1. All the things

This phrase comes from a blog post on Hyperbole and a Half, where the blogger describes why she will never be an adult. One of the images has a triumphant (very happy and proud) girl, and says “Clean all the things!”

  1. I can’t even

This is another way of saying “I’m speechless.” This phrase is used when something is so incredible or unbelievable that you have no words to respond with.

Grammatically, this is not a complete sentence or thought, but on the Internet it’s used as one. Sometimes this phrase is paired with the word “literally,” as in, “Literally, I can’t even” or “Literally, I can’t.”

  1. Well played

When someone has a very clever response, you can say “well played.” In everyday conversation the equivalent of this is saying “touche.”

“Well played” can also be used when someone proves you wrong in an obvious way.

14. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Many websites have an FAQ section. It’s a place where they answer frequently asked questions, or questions which are asked a lot.

The term “FAQ” is not used often in conversations, but it’s good to know for navigating websites.

15. Totes / Adorbs

“Totes” and “adorbs” are shortened versions of “totally” and “adorable.” It’s a cute way of saying those words, though used mostly by younger females.

16. Just sayin’

This phrase is used at the end of a sentence to show that it’s not necessarily what you believe. Many times, it’s a way to deliver a rude or mean sentence, and make it seem less rude.

17. Pwned

Mostly used in online games, “pwned” is an intentional misspelling of the word “owned.” Both mean that someone got defeated or humiliated.

18. Lag

Even if you’re lucky enough to have a steady Internet connection or a great computer, you’ve probably experienced lag. Lag is when a computer application is slow to respond, or any other device slows down because of a poor connection or old hardware (computer parts).

The term is often used when videos or online games are too slow/choppy to show what’s happening in real time.

The word “lag” is also used outside of the Internet, to mean the same thing: to fall behind, or to go slower than everyone else.

19. Noob

Someone who is new to something, a beginner.Noob can be a mean way of saying someone ignorant about a topic or is not good at something, or it can be a way to explain that you’re new and don’t know much yet. You might also see it written as “newb” or “n00b” (with the number zero used as the letter “o”).

20. TBH (To Be Honest)

The phrase “to be honest” can be used on or offline in the same way. It’s a filler phrase, meaning it doesn’t really add anything to the sentence you’re about to say.

But many people use it when they feel like what they’re about to say is extra honest, something they really believe, or something they’ve thought about thoroughly before saying.

21. IMHO (In My Humble Opinion)

“In my humble opinion,” or just “in my opinion” can be used before stating your opinion on a matter being discussed. Adding the word “humble” makes the opinion seem less important or significant.


22. Photobomb

When someone or something appears in a photo unexpectedly, without the photographer meaning to include it. There are many images online where animalsphotobombed people taking pictures.

Sometimes people will photobomb others’ pictures on purpose by making sneaking into the picture at the last second, like in this one.

23. Spam

Spam is a type of email (and regular mail) which is not meaningful or personal to you. Spam emails are usually annoying advertisements that you never wanted to receive. Most spam is filtered out by email providers—like Google and Yahoo—into a separate “Spam” folder.

24. Trending

A trend is what is popular or fashionable at the moment. When something is trending online, it’s popular and has a lot of people talking about it. What’s trending online and on social media is always changing, and is usually influenced by current events and pop culture.

25. Handle / Alias

Also called a “username,” your handle or alias is the nickname you choose for a website. This is the name that’s visible to others, instead of your real name.

Both “handle” and “alias” are words from regular English, and they mean the same thing: a name that you take instead of your own to protect your identity. You might have heard these words used in a spy movie.

26. Haha

This is exactly what is looks like—laughter! Haha, its evil cousin “mwahaha” and the belly laugh “bahaha” are all ways of writing laughter in English.

Since you can’t see others when they type, writing “haha” is a good way to show that you’re joking, or think something is funny.

27. IRL (In real life)

When you’re talking about something that exists offline, you can use IRL to mean “in real life.”

28. NSFW (Not Safe For Work)

NSFW is used as a warning before a link that contains anything that would not be okay to look at if you’re at work. These links usually contain nudity or pornographic imagery, or simply have cursing or anything else you probably wouldn’t want your boss to see you looking at.

29. TL;DR (Too Long; Didn’t Read)

Online comments are usually short, like in a conversation. When a comment is very long, people might respond by saying “TL;DR” or just “TLDR” for, “too long; didn’t read.” This means the person just skimmed the comment (or is just pointing out that it’s long).

This phrase has now also become a way to summarize what you’re saying. If you write a long article or comment, you can add a TLDR at the end with a one sentence summary of what you wrote above.

30. OTL

This is a fun one simply because it took me forever to understand what this was short for. Actually, it’s not an abbreviation at all— it’s an emoji (an icon used to show an expression or feeling).

It’s a man kneeling on the floor, and is used to show disappointment or desperation. His head is the “O” on the left, his arms are the stem of the “T,” with his back on top, and the “L” are his kneeling legs.

  • The Impact of the Internet on Adolescent Literacy

In order to analyze the impact of Internet communication on the literacy of adolescents, I researched sites, blogs, forums, chat rooms, the sites most frequently visited by adolescents, and made the following conclusions.

Firstly, the specifics of communication on the Internet contributes to illiterate and thoughtless writing, since it presupposes the anonymity of the user, which gives greater freedom of expression and action, because the risk of exposure and negative personal assessment by others is minimal. As a result, a feature associated with a decrease in psychological and social risk in the process of communication is manifested in the network – affective emancipation, profanity of vocabulary and some irresponsibility of participants in communication.

Secondly, due to the difficulty of conveying emotions, users steadfastly strive for emotional content of the text, which is expressed in the creation of special icons – emoticons to indicate emotions or in describing emotions in words (in brackets after the main text of the message).

Thirdly, the manner of communication and competent writing depend on the form of virtual communication (forums, guest books, chats, conferences, e-mails, blogs, personal diaries). Each of these forms has its own unique traditions of communication and makes special requirements for the language in which communication takes place. For example, forums are a networking place for a group of authors, where posts are united by a common topic. The replies of the forum participants are more in line with the manner of written speech: the statements are logically structured, complete and informative. On the forums, they fight with unpleasant slang and obscene language. The texts in the guestbook are as close as possible to the writing genre – the epistolary genre, which is being successfully revived thanks to the Internet. Chats are characterized by unprepared, spontaneous utterances with a predominance of the spoken genre, which, however, is imprinted by the specifics of the exchange of replicas in writing. Teleconferences are most often devoted to a specific subject, and statements on them, due to time constraints, are laconic. Over the past few years, blogs have become very popular – online blogs of one or more authors. They are in complete disorder. This is an exclusively youthful way of communication and self-expression.

Fourthly, the languages ​​of virtual communication are directly influenced by the American version of the English language, which dictates its own rules of communication on the Internet. One of the most obvious borrowings from the English language is the use of generally accepted emoticons («emoticons»). The main purpose of using such a sign system is to save time for communication. Lack of time is a sign of modern society as a whole: the pace of life is accelerating every day, and the language, accordingly, adapts to new conditions of functioning.

Fifth, the language of the Internet is, in fact, the language of the youth’s own jargon of programmers, which also undoubtedly affects the written communication of Internet users.

Thus, we can conclude that Internet communication is the most popular in the world. This type of communication requires the speed of writing messages, so letters are short and concise. The length of one message does not exceed 5-6 words. In this regard, a symbiosis of written and oral speech, or, as it is also called in another way, Internet slang, gradually began to be developed.

Summing up the theoretical research, I want to cite the prevailing arguments for and against youth slang.


  1. Slang is a mask, a game, an attempt to overcome a dull routine.
  2. Slang is constantly being updated.
  3. Slang has a certain lexical and derivational wealth inside itself.
  4. Slang is emotionally colored.


  1. Slang is limited thematically.
  2. Slang cannot be the basis of national culture.
  3. Slang words have a vague lexical meaning and cannot convey accurate information.
  1. Slang has a limited emotional coloring, does not convey the entire spectrum of emotions.
  2. Slang reduces communication to primitive communication.

I agree with the opinion of M.A. Krongauz, who notes that the Internet does not in any way reduce the literacy of the population, but rather, on the contrary, insignificantly increases it, since it attracted a huge number of people to written communication, in fact, never and nowhere except school who did not write. The ordinary correspondence of people, innumerable articles, posts, messages only reveal illiteracy, for only newspapers, magazines, books and important documents are checked, corrected by proofreaders and editors. And the problem is not even that the current generation, especially the children of the Internet age, read less. In fact, the population of the country began to read a lot more. The problem lies in the fact that children form the wrong graphic appearance of words. Many grammatical errors are formed in children from the initial perception of an incorrectly written text. True literacy is not formed by rules, but comes through reading and writing. However, the advent of the Internet affected other aspects. One of them is the absence of shame for illiteracy. To write incorrectly today is not a shame! Excessive literacy and pedantry, an active position even causes indignation and rejection among people who do not know literacy.

As a result of a theoretical study of the problem of the influence of the Internet on the speech of adolescents, we came to the following conclusions:

– the problem of the influence of the Internet on the speech of adolescents, of course, is relevant;

– as a result of a theoretical analysis of the literature on the research problem, a categorization of the phenomena in speech that appeared as a result of the influence of the Internet was carried out;

– in this work, we adhered and relied on the works of N.M. Shanskiy. (when categorizing the elements of speech), Krongauz M.A., Guseinova G.Ch. (when analyzing modern processes and phenomena in the speech of adolescents, which appeared as a result of the influence of the Internet);

– as a rule, the main deviations from the literary norm in the speech and writing of adolescents are slang of various origins, abbreviations, lack of punctuation;

– considered and analyzed the common phenomena of the Russian language that have occurred on the Internet in recent years.

The reasons for adolescent illiteracy include:

– reading uncorrected, illiterate texts on the Internet;

– initially incorrect graphic perception of the appearance of the spelling of words;

– lack of self-control when typing on the global network, unwillingness to draw up the text correctly, avoiding abbreviations in the context of fast correspondence on social networks.

Thus, the Internet negatively affects the speech of a teenager, making it completely illiterate.

  1. Experimental work on the research problem
  2. Practical work and analysis of results

An opinion poll was conducted on the topic «The influence of the Internet on the speech of adolescents» through the social network Vkontakte, in the amount of 30 people. The age of the respondents ranged from 10 to 15 years.

– 100% of respondents use the network for entertainment and consumption of humor, mainly from thematic pages of the social network Vkontakte, video blogs on YouTube. Only 46.6% indicated that they use the network for education, while only a few indicated examples. Basically, educational goals are reduced to copying information for reports, abstracts, finding a ready-made solution for homework. 13% of the respondents, of which all are boys, indicated that they spend a lot of time playing online games.

-100% of respondents visit Vkontakte pages, which they use to communicate with friends, visit thematic pages. 56% of respondents visit YouTube video hosting, where they mainly watch humorous videos, video game reviews.

– 53.3% of respondents spend 3 to 5 hours a day on the Internet. 23.3% of the respondents spend 6 to 12 hours daily online. 24% of respondents spend no more than 2 hours a day online.

– 80% of respondents use Internet slang, video game slang, humor and memes of YouTube video bloggers, jokes on Vkontakte thematic pages. At the same time, the majority claim that they practically do not use this vocabulary outside the network.

– 80% of those surveyed say they easily understand Internet slang, even if they don’t use it themselves.

To find out what teens think about Internet slang, I ran my own user survey. The age of the participants is 13-17 years old. List of questions that were asked to survey participants:

When communicating in VKontakte (VK), which speech do you like more?

Do you use slang borrowed from the Internet in your speech?

What will you do in your free time – reading a book or chatting on VKontakte?

To the question «When communicating in VK (VK), what kind of speech do you like more?» almost all survey participants named it «slang». According to the respondents, communication with the use of slang phrases and expressions liberates people, makes them more accessible and free. Some responded that they prefer the combination of slang with ordinary speech, explaining that the frequent use of slang phrases makes communication unpleasant. The smallest part (12% or 6 people out of 50) do not use slang at all when communicating on VKontakte, as they are annoyed by such communication.

Thus, almost all young users communicate on VK using slang. Moreover, they use it constantly, since they like such speech.

On the second question «Do you use slang borrowed from the Internet in your spoken language?» 35 out of 50 people answer that they use slang expressions in their oral speech and only 15 people wrote that they do not use slang, as they are used to ordinary speech, and «it annoys them.» Thus, the results of the answer to the second question confirm that the style of Internet communication is slowly but surely penetrating into our lives.

Another sign of the 21st century is that the lack of time has a direct impact on our communication. I began to notice that the guys began to communicate much faster, using many abbreviations in their speech in order to save time.

Thus, Internet slang is actively taking root in the speech of adolescents.

To the third question «What will you do in your free time – reading a book or chatting in VKontakte?» almost all participants answered that they would communicate on VKontakte. Earlier, when there was no Internet and satellite TV, people read books. Accordingly, they developed visual memory and wrote correctly. Nowadays, among adolescents who do not read works of classical literature, who speak slang, there is a general illiteracy.

Thus, Internet communication contributes to the development of illiteracy among the younger generation.

Positive aspects of Internet communication.

  1. Teenagers like to use Internet slang. They are happy when they write to them in the same slang. This liberates them, they can freely communicate on any topic. Thus, the guys stop feeling lonely and do not remain alone with their problems. This is very important nowadays.
  2. Slang allows you to communicate quickly, which is very convenient nowadays. Usually, in chats and in VK, correspondence is carried out with several people at once, and therefore the speed of writing is also important here.
  3. This language makes communication simple, accessible and fun.

Negative aspects of Internet communication.

  1. Because of their hobby for Internet slang, adolescents write with errors that distort oral and written speech not only on forums, but also in everyday life (in particular, in notebooks on the Russian language).
  2. Incorrect speech sounds not only on the Internet, but also on television screens, on the radio, ie. in everyday life.
  3. In the speech of adolescents, many foreign words appear that are used without translation.
  4. Internet communication contains a lot of obscene phrases that lead to language clogging.

After examining the results of the survey, we came to the following conclusions:

– 100% of respondents consume media humor in various forms, whether it be cartoons with comments from Vkontakte or humor and memes of video bloggers;

– most adolescents do not have the correct graphic appearance of the spelling of words. Basically, the respondents make the following mistakes: continuous spelling of the “not” particle with verbs, adverbs; mistakes with spelling of unstressed vowels in the roots of words; continuous writing of stable combinations; particle spelling errors; spelling errors for prefixes. Many people don’t use punctuation marks. From all this, we can conclude that schoolchildren who have adopted a deliberately incorrect form of writing get used to making the same mistakes when writing outside the global network;

– the vast majority of young people spend their free time online on humor. Taking into account that 76.6% of respondents spend 3 to 12 hours a day online, it is unlikely that any of the respondents spends their free time reading literature according to the school curriculum, or any other that has been corrected and edited by print publishers;

– lack of parental control over children in view of the large amount of time teenagers spend online; lack of control over the content of information consumed by children;

– lack of self-control in conditions of intensive correspondence on the Internet, unwillingness to avoid abbreviations, control the spelling of words, even if the student is familiar with the spelling rule.

  1. Methodological recommendations

On the basis of the theoretical study, as well as the opinion poll, methodological recommendations were developed for the prevention and correction of grammatical mistakes made by adolescents.

– Development of a reminder for parents encouraging parents to pay attention and realize the problem, to tighten control over the information consumed by children on the Internet.

The content of the memo may include the following information:

  • Protect children from watching videos and portals (public pages on social networks) that contain humor with obscene language;
  • Try to control that the child does not use clichéd Internet vocabulary in everyday life;
  • Conduct Internet browsing sessions with your child, conduct explanatory conversations with children when you find information of dubious and harmful content;
  • Try to instill in your child the ability to weed out harmful information yourself, develop critical thinking in them.

Remember! It is reading classical literature that forms true literacy!

– Carrying out systematic work during the lessons in the study of spelling, for which children most often make mistakes.

– Conducting unscheduled or extra-curricular activities at school, providing homework for rewriting texts to form a competent spelling. When rewriting texts, one should be guided by two methods: pronouncing literary writing aloud, or recording with a clamped language (this is required to prevent children from mistakenly spelling “what I hear, I write”). For completely inattentive children, there is a method to pronounce out loud the letter you want to write, and then immediately check if he wrote it correctly.

– Conducting extra-curricular reading literature as part of the program, in order to strengthen the visual perception of the word. Encouraging children to read through emotional upheavals that arise when empathizing with the heroes of works.

Recommendations for parents

  1. Visit the Web with your children.
  2. Teach children to trust their intuition. If something bothers them on the Internet, let them tell you about it.
  3. In chat rooms, instant messaging programs, online games, a login name is required. Help your child choose it and make sure it does not contain any personal information. Insist that children never give out their address, phone number, or other personal information, such as where they study or where they love to go.
  4. Teach the children to respect the interlocutors on the Internet. Good manners apply everywhere – even in the virtual world.
  5. Explain that illegal copying of someone else’s work — music, computer games, and other software — is theft. Tell your children that dating online friends is dangerous – these people may not be who they say they are. Explain that not every piece of information on the Web is true. Teach your children to consult with you when they are unsure of something.
  6. Control the activities of children on the Internet using modern programs. They can help filter out harmful content and find out which sites your child is visiting.

Excessive hobby for the Internet distracts children from homework, sports, sleep, and communication with peers. And the Network isolates shy teenagers even more. Parents and teachers often do not realize this problem until it becomes too serious.

Tips for parents

on the prevention of Internet addiction of a child

Watch for symptoms of internet addiction. Ask yourself: Does time spent online have an impact on your child’s school success, health, and relationships with family and friends? Find out how much time your child spends on the Internet.

Get help. If your child is showing serious signs of internet addiction, consult a teacher. Compulsive internet use can be a symptom of other problems, such as depression, irritation, or low self-esteem.

Don’t block the internet. For most children, it is an important part of their social life. Instead, establish family rules for Internet use. They can prescribe the amount of time that the child spends on the Internet every day; a ban on logging into the Network before doing homework; restriction on visiting chats or viewing materials «for adults».

Keep your computer outdoors. Place the computer in the common room of your apartment, not in your child’s bedroom.

Help your child participate in offline communication. If your child is shy and uncomfortable with peers, why not consider special training? Encourage your child to participate in activities that bring children with similar interests together, such as ship modeling or a literature class.

Suggest alternatives. If you think your kids are only interested in online entertainment, try offering them a non-virtual analogue of one of their favorite games. For example, if your child enjoys role-playing fantasy games, encourage them to read books on the subject.

There are ways to track which pages of the Internet are of interest to the child. Modern browsers usually keep a log of the last visited sites. Browsers also create temporary copies of pages, known as cache files. There are filtering tools that cut off access to prohibited sites.

But these programs often fail to screen out unwanted material. In addition, they can block really useful information that children need, for example, for homework. And children who are familiar with the computer know how to turn off such filters.

A much more effective way is to create clear rules for using the Internet and communicate frankly with children.


The rate of development of the Internet in recent years has been simply staggering, today the absolute majority visit various network resources almost every day. Modern adolescents are already a generation that from an early age began to discover the global network. However, the level of literacy in the vastness of the network leaves much to be desired. In my work, I conducted a theoretical study of the problem of the influence of the Internet on the speech of adolescents.

As a result of a theoretical study of the problem, we came to the following conclusions:

– the problem of the influence of the Internet on the speech of adolescents is very relevant;

– as a result of the categorization of the main deviations from the literary norm of the language allowed by schoolchildren, it is concluded that, in general, schoolchildren allow abbreviations, the use of jargon, anglicisms, and abbreviations of words.

– the main reasons for illiteracy on the Internet are determined: the incorrect graphic appearance of the word formed through primary perception, the lack of self-control when writing. The lack of parental control over the quality of information consumed by children in the global network was also identified as a significant influence;

– within the framework of a poll on the social network Vkontakte, based on the results of the survey, methodological recommendations were developed to prevent and correct grammatical errors made by adolescents.

I see further development in the study of the research problem in the following directions:

– development of comprehensive measures to prevent and correct the harmful influence of the Internet on the perception and speech of the younger generation;

– development of complex activities for the formation of children’s reading needs from an early age, which depends on many factors, for example, such as the selection of a suitable book for a child, reinforcing this with personal communication, personal assessment of a book for a child; empathy, bringing children and adolescents to the test of catharsis when reading, which awakens their inner world to life: associations, feelings, thinking.

Thus, my research has shown that the level of speech literacy among adolescents inevitably falls, and many factors contribute to this trend: the media, the Internet, communications, family, education, nationality, friends, school, books, advertising. But the Internet has the greatest impact. There has been a shift in emphasis from books to the Internet, the media and journalism now does not correspond to the elite level of speech culture, but sink to the use of jargon, vulgarisms, unprintable vocabulary. But worst of all, such low rates are perceived by the audience as the norm.

Who invented the internet? Article Evan Andrews

«The effect of the Internet on student speech» атты ғылыми жоба жұмысын жазу барысында күнделігі

Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ көптілді білім беру институты шетел тілдері кафедрасының доценті, филология ғылымдарының кандидаты


1 Ғылыми жетекшімен кездесуге бардым, ғылыми жобаның тақырыбын таңдадым 10.03.2020
     2 Ғылыми жетекшімен кездесіп, интернеттің жастарға әсеріне байланысты тақырып өзектілігін аштық 12.03.2020
3 Интернет туралы ғылыми журналдар мен газеттерден мәліметтер жинақтадым.

1.     Connect. Ақпараттық технологиялар әлемі  (1995-қазіргі уақыт) телекоммуникациялық және ақпараттық технологиялар туралы бизнес журналы

2.     Computer Bild журналы  (2006-2015) Компьютерлер, Интернет, аудио-, видео -, фототехника, софт және ойындар

4 Ұлттық кітапханаға барып жастардың сөйлеу мәнері мен заманауи технологиялардың тіл байлыққа әсері туралы еңбектерді қарадым.


Мақалалар жинағы, IV Халықаралық ғылыми-практикалық конференция

Мәскеу, РУДН, 29 сәуір 2020 ж;

2.     Интернеттің санаға әсері

және білім құрылымы, Мәскеу-2004

5 Үйден отырып жинаған мәліметтеріме сай жұмыс жасай бастадым. 27.03.2020
6 Сыныптастарымның арасынан тақырыбымның өзектілігіне сәйкес сұрақтар қойып, пікірлерін сұрадым. 30.03.2020
7 Ғаламтордан арнайы мәліметтерді қарастырдым.


8 Орыс тілі, қазақ тілі және ағылшын пәні мұғалімдерінен ғаламтордың тілге, сөйлеуге деген әсерін, тілдегі өзгеріс туралы пікірлерін сұрадым. 05.05.2020
9 Ғаламтордан соңғы онжылдықтағы студенттер мен оқушылардың үй тапсырмасын жасаудағы өзгерістері, оған ғаламторлың ықпалы туралы мәліметтерді оқыдым.


10 Әлеуметтік желілерде арнайы оқушылар арасында интернетті қандай мақсатта қолданатыны туралы сауалнама жүргіздім. 27.06.2020
11 Кітапханаға барып, материалдарымды толықтырдым. 06.09.2020
12 Ғылыми жетекшімен кездесіп, слайд жасауға кірістік.

Сыныптастарымның арасынан ғаламторда жаргон және слэнг сөздерді қолдану туралы сауалнама жүргіздім.

13 Жиналған материалдарды пысықтап жұмыс жасадым. 05.10.2020
14 Ғылыми жетекшімен кездесіп зерттеу жұмысының жобасын көрсеттім, ғылыми жобаға өзгерістер мен толықтырулар енгіздік. 06.10.2020
15 Ғылыми жоба дайын. Ғылыми жетекшімен кездесіп, ғылыми жобаны өткіздім. 12.09.2020


1 Мы встретились с научным руководителем, выбрали тему научного проекта 10.03.2020
     2 Я встретилась с научным руководителем, мы попытались  раскрыть актуальность темы, связанной с влиянием интернета на молодежь 12.03.2020
3 Я собирала сведения об интернете в научных журналах и газетах.

1.     3. Connect. Мир информационных технологий (1995-настоящее время) бизнес-журнал о телекоммуникационных и информационных технологиях

2.     4. Computer Bild журнал (2006-2015) компьютеры, Интернет, аудио -, видео -, фототехника, софт и игры

4 Посетила Национальную библиотеку, посмотрела труды о влиянии современных технологий на язык.

1.     ЯЗЫК И РЕЧЬ

ИНТЕРНЕТ:ЛИЧНОСТЬ, ОБЩЕСТВО, КОММУНИКАЦИЙ, КУЛЬТУРЫ, Сборник статей, IV Международная научно-практическая конференция

Москва, РУДН, 29 апреля 2020 г;

2.     влияние Интернета на сознаниеи структура образования, Москва- 2004

5 Я начала работать над проетом  из дома,  в соответствии с информацией, которую собрала. 27.03.2020
6 Я задала вопросы, касающиеся актуальности моей темы и спросила мнения одноклассников. 30.03.2020
7 Я рассматривала специальные данные из интернета.


8 Я спросил мнения учителей русского, казахского и английского языков о влиянии интернета на язык, речь, об изменениях в языке. 05.05.2020
9 Собрала информацию об изменений выполнения домашнего задания  с появлением интернета


10 Я провела опрос о целях при использовании интернета среди школьников. 27.06.2020
11 Пошла в библиотеку для пополнения материала. 06.09.2020
12 Мы встретились с научным руководителем и приступили к составлению слайдов. Я провела опрос по использованию интернет-жаргонов и слэнговсреди моих одноклассников. 19.09.2020
13 Я отработала собранные материалы. 05.10.2020
14 Встретилась с научным руководителем, показала научный проект, внесли некоторые  изменения и дополнения. 06.10.2020
15 Научный проект готов. Встретилась с научным руководителем, сдала свою работу. 12.09.2020

A diary

1 We met with the scientific advisor, chose the topic of the scientific project 10.03.2020
     2 I met with the scientific advisor, we tried to reveal the relevance of the topic related to the influence of the Internet on youth 12.03.2020
3 I collected information about the Internet in scientific journals and newspapers.

1. Connect. World of Information Technology (1995 – present) business magazine about telecommunications and information technology

2.  Computer Bild magazine (2006-2015) computers, Internet, audio, video, photographic equipment, software and games

4 I visited the National Library, looked at the works on the impact of modern technologies on the language.


INTERNET: PERSONALITY, SOCIETY, COMMUNICATIONS, CULTURE, Collection of articles, IV International Scientific and Practical Conference

Moscow, RUDN University, April 29, 2020;

2.the influence of the Internet on the consciousness and structure of education, Moscow – 2004 03/14/2020

5 I started working on the project from home, according to the information I gathered. 27.03.2020
6 I asked questions about the relevance of my topic and asked the opinions of my classmates. 30.03.2020
7 I was looking at special data from the Internet.


8 I asked the opinions of teachers of Russian, Kazakh and English about the impact of the Internet on language, speech, and changes in language. 05.05.2020
9 Collected information about changes in homework with the advent of the Internet

https: //xn—-dtbhtbbrhebfpirq0k.xn--p1ai/

10 I conducted a survey on Internet use goals among schoolchildren. 27.06.2020
11 Went to the library to replenish material. 06.09.2020
12 We met with the supervisor and started compiling the slides. I conducted a survey on the use of internet jargon and slang among my classmates. 19.09.2020
13 I have worked through the collected materials. 05.10.2020
14 I met with the supervisor, showed the scientific project, made some changes and additions 06.10.2020
15 The scientific project is ready. I met with the supervisor, handed over my work. 12.09.2020


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