My Motherland is Kazakhstan.

“He who loves not his country can love nothing”


My Motherland is Kazakhstan.  I consider that Kazakhstan is the most beautiful country in the world.  More than a hundred nationalities live in Kazakhstan  in peace and harmony.  Kazakh people are the most hospitable people. Peculiarity of our country is that people speak two languages: state language – Kazakh and Russian. Moreover, people of other nationalities speak their own language and also Kazakh and Russian. For example, in the place where I live, in Kordai, there are a lot of Dungans, Azerbaijans, Russians, Koreans. All of them speak two or three languages.

Kazakhstan borders on Russia, China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. Before quarantine we used to visit these countries with different purposes. And Kyrgyzstan is a special country. “Why?” – you can ask. Because Kordai is a border zone. When we need medical help or some shopping, or rest we go to Issyk-kul lake or to Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan. And you don’t need an international passport. Our youth study in the universities of Kyrgyzstan, our relatives and friends live there. I think that all of this is a proof of friendship of two nations.

Another point is nature, that is the most beautiful in the whole world.  In Kazakhstan, there are wide fields where wheat is grown.  We have fragrant, flowering, green meadows, forests, high mountains, clear lakes, wide rivers and many places that make admire everybody.  We have a great amount of small and large rivers.  The largest are the Ertis, the Esil, the Tobol, the Zhaiyk, the Syrdarya, the Ile, the Shu.  We have the most amazing river landscape.

Different regions are prominent with their sightseeing. For instance, Mangystau is famous for its mountains, Tamgaly – for its wind-carved rocks, in the form of people, animals and cave drawings, and Taraz for its ancient town and mausoleums.  There are nature reserves in Kazakhstan, the beauty of which cannot be seen in any other country.  We have a rich flora and fauna.  The most amazing plants that are found only here grow.  And it is a pity that some animals are dying out.

Our homeland is  remarkable by its heart, the capital of our country, Nur-Sultan, which is a cultural and administrative centre. There you can see unusual and wonderful buildings, such as Baiterek, Expo, museums, theaters, etc.

I believe that Kazakhstan will cope with all the problems that come across its way, because we, all peoples living in Kazakhstan, are together.

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