I am in the world of profession

People should not make a mistake when choosing a spouse and the profession. Choosing a profession means choosing your destiny. I think that when choosing a profession, people should rely on their own interests, abilities, inclinations and preferences so as not to regret in the future.

This year is a responsible period for me, because this year I will say goodbye to the school threshold. Since childhood, I dreamed to teach children and travel all over the world. That is why I choose to be an English teacher.

Nowadays, English is one of the most widely spoken and frequently used languages in the world. Knowledge of an English language is mutual understanding and free communication with the widest range of people, free movement in any country without interfering and limiting the language barrier. Moreover, it opens up wide career opportunities and it is the key to success in business communication.  Therefore, I want to help children to learn English. The first President of our country, Nursultan Nazarbayev, said in one of his speeches: «Knowledge of three languages is a ticket to global life, it is the principle of a person’s success in life. In a global world, our children will be citizens of the planet – they will have to work everywhere, and they must be like a fish in water in this complex world».

In conclusion, «a good teacher is most dear to me, because a teacher is the heart of the school» – as the great Kazakh teacher Y.Altynsarin said. The teacher is the second parent for a child and he educates and teaches all professions. The most important hearth for the growth and competitiveness of each state is the education provided by the teacher. The teacher is an educator of the younger generation.

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