I  believe in  today’s youth

Aluova Gulanar

Aktobe humanitarian college


 Бұл мақалада жас та болса бір іске бас болып,бүгінгіге үлгі болған жастар қауымы туралы айтылады.Мақсатым –өзім қатарлы жас буынның ел болашағына деген көзқарасын анықтап ,оларды жігерлендіру.                                                        

Мой проект про молодежь,которые хоть и являются молодыми,но все ровно возглавили новые идеи и являются примером для других.

Моя цель-узнать мнение молодых людей про будущее страны вдохновить их.

          Imagine yourself in a plane flying over its territory. You will see wonderful sights such as the blue lines of the rivers, blue lakes, green fields and forests, plains and mountains. You will enjoy every minute of your flight!  It Is my Motherland –Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan’s history full of different events. Before our country’s Independence we felt many hardship .In that time the youngers such as Sabira,Erbol,Kairat and others fight of the sake of  Independence.Their power and and work inspired  rest of youngers.That is why they achive their  goal. After that time first President Nursultan Nazarbaev  believed in younger’s power.He said:’’Our spiritual unity is the main  foundation of the secular state and society.’’

By the decree of President of Kazakhstan,2019 is dedicated to the younger generation.Today,comprehensive support for young people is becoming a priority of state policy.All  conditions have been created for the development of science and education as well as priveleges subsidies and other measures of state support have been provided . In 2018 , during a joint meeting of the chambers of the Parliament of Kazakhstan, the First President – Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev, as part of the Third Social Initiative, instructed to build dormitories for at least 75 thousand places by the end of 2022, which will allow to completely resolve the issue, taking into account the growing needs in the coming years. For this, as Elbasy noted, it is necessary to stimulate universities and colleges to build and repair student hostels using the principles of PPP. Read the review material by PrimeMinister.kz on the work carried out in this direction in the country.[ Decree of Elbasy]

According to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, today 69 universities and 105 colleges for 90,484 beds are in need of places in student hostels in the republic.

«The introduction of places in dormitories will be carried out in stages: in 2019 — at least 5 thousand places, in 2020 — 15 thousand places, in 2021 — 25 thousand places, in 2022 — 30 thousand places,» in the address.

In pursuance of the order, a special mechanism has been developed aimed at encouraging educational institutions and the private sector to participate in construction projects (reconstruction) of student dormitories, a regulatory framework has been formed, and funding volumes have been determined.

Since the announcement of the Five Social Initiatives, 4,771 places have been introduced. In the 4th quarter of this year 4,020 seats are planned to be added. Thus, with a plan of 5 thousand beds, by the end of 2019, 8,791 beds will be introduced (overfulfillment will be 3,791 beds or 75.8%), of which 5,211 by placing a targeted state order.

At present, 63 projects with 26,676 beds are under construction: 33 contracts have been concluded, within the framework of which 10,594 beds are planned to be commissioned.

So, in Nur-Sultan — 4, Almaty — 6, Shymkent — 2. In Karaganda region — 4, three dormitories in Akmola, East Kazakhstan regions, two in Zhambyl, Kostanay, Mangystau, Pavlodar, Kyzylorda regions each. In West Kazakhstan region, one dormitory was built. The concluded agreements in 2019 will ensure the commissioning of 4,970 places.

Also, the Operator is considering 7 applications for 1,550 places. In addition, negotiations are underway with 23 suppliers for 14,532 places on issues of participation in the government procurement mechanism.

As noted in the department, due to the local budget and sponsor funds, 8 dormitories for 928 places are located at the construction stage: Atyrau region. (7), Almaty region (1) (commissioning 2019 — 388 places, 2020 — 640 places).

As of August 2019, eight facilities were commissioned for 1,443 places in Shymkent (IP Kaipova — 350 places, JSC South Kazakhstan Medical Academy — 250 places), Almaty (KazITU — 188 places), Aktau (IE Huseinov — 180 places, Yesenov Caspian State University of Technology and Engineering — 170 places), Karaganda (IE Ryspayeva — 100 places, Karaganda Humanitarian College — 100 places), Semey (Kainar Higher College — 105 places).

In general, to cover the deficit, it is planned to commission 184 facilities, 20 of them through reconstruction, 164 through construction.

It is worth noting that the construction of new hostels will be carried out on 169 land plots, 44 of which are allocated by akimats, 125 are owned by educational institutions and investors. Design estimates are available for 28 objects for 12,419 places. 62 documents are under development.

Financing the commissioning of new places at 45 facilities is planned to be carried out at the expense of own funds of educational organizations. To implement 71 projects, it is planned to attract investor funds, 23 — will be created through co-financing of educational organizations and investors. Sources of funding are identified for 23 projects. Egemen Kazakhstan”newspaper  №45[7p]

To optimize the costs of developers on the site studdom.fincenter.kz created design and estimate projects bank, which contains standard and individual projects of student hostels.

In addition, the republican budget provides funds for placing a state order to provide students, undergraduates and doctoral students with places in dormitories (in 2019 — 1 billion tenge; in 2020 — 4 billion tenge; in 2021 — 10 billion tenge). Measures of state support provided for young people have been discussed at a meeting of Majilis, the Lower house of Kazakh Parliament.

Speakers said that that the Government has developed a special Road Map which consists of 89 areas. 13 of the areas have been executed, while the rest are still on the stage of implementation.

In addition, the state provides a number of program measures including Zhas Maman and Zhas Kasipker projects for young entrepreneurs. 1.5 billion tenge has been allocated to train 20,000 people as part of Zhas Kasipker project.

“Zhas Maman and Zhas Kasipker programs are created in order to ensure the employment and income generation for young people. As part of these projects, in three years training of 210,000 young specialists is planned in hundreds of educational institutions. They will study the most in demand professions. This is a very good experience. This program is very special since it is implemented only in our country,” said Member of Majilis of Lower House Of Kazakh Parliament, Nurzhan Altayev. .”Aktobe”newspaper [122,10p]

The government always  support young people. But I know the NEET community.  The term NEET is used to describe young people who are not engaged in any form of employment,education or training. The term has come into the policy debate in recent years due to disproportionate impact of the recession on young people. The sociological profile of the NEET generation in Kazakhstan was made by experts at the “Youth”reseach center.The experts studied the key problems and challenges of youth associated with employment as well as the degree of their participation in state programs.Director of youth reseach center,Galymzhan Kusmangali said that the reseach was conducted in 17 regions.The total number amounted to 2.000 respondents.[ www.aktobeprogect]

If the government support the yongers,why they in NEET community.Why they choose this way?WHY?What youngers  know about today;s reforms? A lot of questions,but no ANSWER.

That is why I decided to search youngers,which helped their city’s development.And finally I found it.For example Narqozy Kartzhan,Asylzhan Burkitalin,Romad Sagynyshuly and Danat Aliev.

My goal is to introduce to youngers their labour and job.They are youngers,but they know their aim,and know what they want.I am proud of them.

Narqozy Kartzhan the director of educational center “Bright”He studied at Zhubanov university.And Nowadays he compete many forums,competitions,and so on.Narqozy discovered own educational center.He never proud of his job,because he wanted to be example for young students,to young boys and girls.

Asylzhan Burkitalin the coordinator of the “Jas Otan” When I meet him he said all of his sucsses.Today Asylzhan work with youngers he support them everywhere.And he work with NEET ‘s young people. Romad Sagynyshuly the coordinator of Volonteer corps.I am a volunteer and I know him.He said that”Young people in Aktobe have a power to be example for others.”That is why Romad discovered own Volonteer corps.He selected in your corps silly,inspired younger

Do you know about Danat Aliev?Danat Aliev was born in Aktobe.He  traveller,manysighted young man.After 2 years ago I met with him.And his words  influence of my life.He said that “Everyone should know how to spend their time.Because time our treasure.You are youngers,I believe in your silly power.” It is not only people that  I know or I met.

During this month I take questionnaire from my college’s students.

Questions: Do you imagine your life after 5 years?

2.Do you have aim or plans for future?

3.Do you know famous people in Aktobe?

4.Do you interested in politics?Why yes,why not

5.What problem do you have?

Results of the questionaire

  • some students didn’t know what they do
  • some pupils did not interested in politics
  • Some of them didn not know why aim is important


We are young people,who can  make a brightly future.We have splendid opportunities to enjoy our life.When I saw results of  questionaire,I understand that  my peers  not believe in their power and their future.

In conclusion,let’s learn new things,open your eyes and look at the world with hope.That is why we should develop our city’s economic and culture other sights.When I begun write this article I interested what my peers think about future and our country.In finally I decided search young people,who get success in early time.After that I invited these people to my college and make a discuss between students and guests.All of these cases helped me to write such as article.Through this article someone knows famous young people in our city,someone inspired from speaking.My goal is to introduce  Narqozy  Kartzhan,Asylzhan Burkitalin and so on to young generation and know adult’s thoughts.Magzhan Zhumabaev said “I believe young people who are brave like a lion,energetic like a tiger,strong like an eagle.”Magzhan’s hope is become true.

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