
I am a child of an independent country 


Independence is a sacred concept for me, for every citizen of our homeland. Independence in my understanding is the tone of the people, the support of the national language, traditions and customs. Therefore, December 16 is a great holiday for our nation. The day when the dreams of our people, who long for freedom and have been fighting for freedom for centuries, come true.

To live in a free country is probably the dream of all the people of the world, of every nation. In 1991, Kazakhstan became a sovereign country. In this short period of time, an independent state was formed with a flag, a coat of arms, and a national currency. He took his place on the world stage. The world recognized the Kazakh nation, which has vast lands. Kazakh language received the status of the state language. My favorite attraction, characterized by modern architecture – Nursultan has now become a city of youth.  I look with confidence into the future of a country that aspires to take its place among civilized countries.

I am very proud that  I live in Kazakhstan and my country has achieved great success over the years of independence. I want the independence flag to fly forever. «The blue waving flag gives me strength» – poetic lines of each Kazakh. Our ancestors sought to fight for independence , for new ,better life  and we are faced with the task of strengthening our independent country.

In conclusion I want to say for the future of the country, the main duty  of new generation is to work, learn

Independence is a sacred concept for me, for every citizen of our homeland. Independence in my understanding is the tone of the people, the support of the national language, traditions and customs. Therefore, December 16 is a great holiday for our nation. The day when the dreams of our people, who long for freedom and have been fighting for freedom for centuries, come true.

To live in a free country is probably the dream of all the peoples of the world, of every nation. In 1991, Kazakhstan became a sovereign country. The independence of our country was recognized by the states. In this short period of time, an independent state was formed with a flag, a coat of arms, and a national currency. He took his place on the world stage. The world recognized the Kazakh nation, which has vast lands. Kazakh language received the status of the state language. Kazakhstan has become a member of major international organizations. On a global scale, other States have become a state to be reckoned with. On the territory of Saryarka, a new capital was built – a symbol of an independent country. My favorite attraction, characterized by modern architecture – Nursultan has now become a city of youth. It has become one of the cities where major world-class events are held. The generation that performs at international educational, artistic, and sports competitions is growing up.

I look with confidence into the future of a country that aspires to take its place among civilized countries. I am very proud that my country has achieved great success over the years of independence. I want the independence flag to fly forever. «The blue waving flag gives me strength» – poetic lines of each Kazakh. Our ancestors sought to fight for independence, and we are faced with the task of strengthening our independent country. For the future of the country, the main duty is to work, learn, and strengthen friendship between other countries. We are a happy generation who lived in a free, peaceful country. My peers and I are proud of our Homeland.

Independence is a sacred concept for me,for every citizen of our homeland. Independence in my understanding is the tone of the people, support of the national language, traditions, customs. Therefore, December 16 is a great holiday for our nation. The day when the dreams of our people come true, longing for freedom and fighting for freedom for centuries.
The independence of our country was recognized by the states . In this short period of time, an independent state was formed with a flag, coat of arms, and national currency .The world recognized the Kazakh nation. Kazakh language received the status of the state language.
I am very proud that my country has achieved great success over the years of independence. I want the independence flag to fly forever.  My peers and I are proud of our Homeland.

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