
There are many places to rest in Almaty. Almaty has its own Traditional apple festival, a monument of independence, alpine skating rink Medeo. Almaty is a city where you can make it, that is to realize your dreams.

Almaty is the largest city in Kazakhstan, if our city is Taldykorgan, then Almaty is five times more. People from all over Kazakhstan come to take a walk and see the sights of the city, even there are those who study at universities, and someone comes to get a job.

Almaty is not only a city of dreams, but there are also disadvantages and advantages of the city.

In addition, the nature of Almaty is very good, if you take for example the BAO. Bid Almaty Lake a high mountain reservoir located in the Trans-Ili Ala-Tau at an altitude of 2511 meters above sea level, 15 km south of the center of Almaty. In addition, there is Alma Аrasan where you can walk on the pure nature, and plunge into the beauty of the mountains.

The downside is that since Almaty is the largest city in Kazakhstan, the population is the largest.

In my opinion, those who live in Almaty are divided into two types: 1) those who live and 2) those who survive.

If you don`t have a good job, you don`t have to live in Almaty to survive, some people even work two jobs to feed themselves and their families. Here we have people who survive in Almaty-this is the second type.

Moreover, the first type of people always stand above everyone and never look at their feet, but this was not always the case. They also rose from scratch. The main work and everything in this world will come to hand. Almaty is a place of adventure and scaling.

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