30 years of independence

This year is the 30th anniversary of  Kazakhstan’s independence.  During this time, our country has gone through many ups and downs.

Before gaining independence, our people gained spiritual and material freedom, and everyone had the right to express their views freely, without fear and pressure.  Thanks to this, our country began to develop in terms of culture, economy, science and education.  In particular, in terms of sports, the Asian Games, the Student Universiade were held in our country.  In the field of science and education, national scientists have made great discoveries, and schoolchildren and students are using their knowledge from abroad to develop Kazakhstan.  Today, many of our young people, thanks to their knowledge, have overcome many obstacles and introduced the country to the world.  It is possible to say that our talented young people take part in world competitions and win prizes.  For example, Dimash Kudaibergenov, group 91.  He attracted a lot of people with his songs and beautiful voices.  Such talented citizens showed the world Kazakh culture, history and courage.

As for the economy, our country has joined the United Nations and established contacts with many countries.  Business has developed in our country and the living conditions of the population have improved.  In addition, the capital Astana was built before independence.

This is how independent Kazakhstan is developing and prospering.  Our young people are given a lot of opportunities, and our people trust them.  The future of the country is in the hands of young people!  It is in our hands to develop the state under the banner of independence.

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