Нow much work values ​​differ between generations and how do they affect the work itself?

Have you ever wondered why adults are so different from young people? Why does one generation think differently than another and prioritize different values? Why is such an important aspect of work in the life of each person of his generation developing differently? Why are labor values ​​so different?

The process of labor activity is one of the most important spheres of human life, and the system of values ​​associated with labor activity determines a person’s attitude to work. The genesis of the values ​​of labor activity and the evolution of views are examined through the prism of the development of economic concepts, as a result of which the historical and socio-economic aspects of the formation and development of the concept of labor values ​​of different generations were considered.

Despite the many similarities in values ​​between generations, their views on work are very different, because priorities change over time and requirements in the field of specialties, work, too. This is proved by differences in attitudes towards work, namely, that the younger generation, in general, strives to find a job to their liking and to be professionals in their field, while the older generation, most of all, is looking for a job to ensure confidence in the future.

First of all, the cognitive work values side encompasses aspects of work such as interesting work, success at work, independence and responsibility. Such values are not associated with instrumental or emotional characteristics but contain the cognitive side of work. These values indicate how much an individual finds his job meaningful and interesting, has the opportunity to develop skills and abilities at work, and can be useful to society. According to 2016 data, in Russia, 50.6% of the respondents in 9 grades and 57.2% of the respondents in 10 grades prefer interesting specialties. Considering from the side of cognitive values, it can be noted that the younger generation (20-40 years old) puts getting a decent result and work involvement higher than fulfilling instructions for doing work. According to the results of international research in 2011, involvement in the work process among young employees is 62-64%, which is a stable and productive indicator. Аt the same time, the value of knowledge in the field of work and responsibility are still a priority as it was before. Consequently, the current young generation and those close to the adult generation are trying to combine many aspects and values of work, trying to work both for pleasure and for their own benefit, so as not to be inclined towards one thing, but to try a lot and gain invaluable experience with knowledge that in the future twice the size will help them.

Just a few decades ago, one of the most important priorities was finding a prestigious job and a decent salary, but now more preference is given to more promising professions in which to develop. Today, many people choose those areas and professions in which they can quickly rise up and which are in demand than before, when the majority went to where everyone works as a lawyer or teacher. An example is the most popular and popular professions of 2020, such as SMM-manager, targeting specialist, media buyer, community manager and many others. As we can see, a big step towards promotion at work can be done on common media platforms. Therefore, since time does not stand still, the demand for professions and specialists also does not stand still.

Despite the fact that there are quite tangible differences in labor values ​​between generations, there are similarities in some aspects. For example, the silent generation and baby boomers are focused on stability and confidence in the future, while generations x and y give priority to opportunities and security for their growth. In general, the general can be distinguished as purposefulness in work, because all the previously mentioned generations achieved their goals in work precisely because of this value and quality.

At the same time, the silent generation, whose values ​​were formed after the Second World War, values ​​peace and harmony, since it is these values ​​that were most relevant during the formation of the values ​​of this generation. The younger generations, who know about war only from stories, textbooks, books and films, do not know what war is; these values ​​are valued much less. In general, the choice of values ​​of any of the generations does not fully correlate with the set of values ​​of the entire array of respondents.

Thus, it is worth paying more attention to the characteristics of each generation in terms of labor values, because everyone has their own approach and view of the very concept of work. It is necessary with each generation to work out their strengths and weaknesses, as well as to teach interaction with representatives of other generations, because when working together, you can learn from each other’s experience and improve together.







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